r - Reactive input in Shiny not working -

my renderdatatable() not seem react reactive input. not sure missing. before when entered text input every 'enter' key pressed changed text detected. have explicitly click submit buttonthe code below


shinyserver(function(input, output) {     toggle("inputbox")    toggle("text")    datainput <- reactive({input$text})    output$table1 <- renderdatatable({(options = list(pagelength = 10,searchable = false))    <- function1(datainput())    })   output$table2 <- renderdatatable({      b <- function2(datainput())     })   }) 


fluidrow(     column(4,            code(id = "inputbox", "please wait, loading ..."),            hidden(textinput("text", label = h3("enter words"),                       value = "xxxx xxxx")),br(),            actionbutton("action", label = " please hit enter or click submit"),            br(),            br(),             submitbutton("submit")     ) ),  fluidrow(       column(4,                         tabpanel('header1', datatableoutput('table1'))     ),     column(2     ),     column(4,            tabpanel('header2', datatableoutput('table2'))     )    ) 

taken documentation submitbutton():

forms include submit button not automatically update outputs when inputs change, rather wait until user explicitly clicks submit button.


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