mysql - FireDac error 314 - but DLLs are in program directory -

i getting when trying access mysql database :

[firedac][phys][mysql]-314. cannot load vendor library [libmysql.dll or libmysqlld.dll]

this did not happen (unchanged) code, however, have upgraded windows 10 , had reinstall delphi xe8, system configuration matter.

in order try solve problem, copied both of files c:\windows\sysytem32.

when did not seem work, copied them \win32\debug, generated .exe resides.

i imagine doing rather stupid, can't see what.

the proper solution place driver file (eg., libmysql.dll) in application's folder, or place installation location in fddrivers.ini file:

[mysql] vendor=<folder>\libmysql.dll 

(recent versions of documentation seem use vendorlib instead of vendor in ini file.)

see rad studio documentation topics configuring drivers (firedac) , connect mysql server (firedac) more information.


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