javascript - Filterable row is not working in but it is working in MVC -
in below code getting columnheaders not getting auto text boxes filter data below on every column, attribute called in kendo grid filterable:{ mode: "row"}, have added attribute in below result not yet come. same code ran in mvc working fine please me.
grid = $("#gridallpayers").data("kendogrid"); var gridheight = $(window).height() - 220; var configuration = { columns: getheaderswithcolumns(), resizable: true, columnmenu: true, reorderable: true, height: gridheight, filterable: { mode: "row" }, navigatable: true, sortable: true, pageable: { input: true, numeric: true } }; var feedback = $("#gridallpayers").kendogrid(configuration).data("kendogrid"); } function getheaderswithcolumns() { var cols = new array(); cols.push( { field: "payername", title: "insurance name", headerattributes: { "class": "table-header-cell", style: "text-align:center;font-size: 13px" }, width: 220, attributes: { style: "text-align:left;" }, }, { field: "payerplan", title: "plan name", headerattributes: { "class": "test", style: "text-align: left; font-size: 13px" }, width: 220, attributes: { style: "text-align:left;" }, }, { field: "state", title: "insurance's state", headerattributes: { "class": "table-header-cell", style: "text-align: left; font-size: 13px" }, width: 200, attributes: { style: "text-align:left;" }, }, { field: "claimstatusphonenumber", title: "claim status #", headerattributes: { "class": "table-header-cell", style: " font-size: 13px" }, width: 200, attributes: { style: "text-align:left;" }, }, { field: "claimmailingaddress", title: "claim's mailing address", headerattributes: { "class": "table-header-cell", style: "font-size: 11px" }, width: 300, } ) return cols; }
<link href="kendoui/kendo.dataviz.default.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="kendoui/kendo.default.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="kendoui/kendo.common.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="kendoui/kendo.dataviz.default.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="content/js/kendo.all.min.js"></script> <div id="gridallpayers"> </div>
i did mock of page similar layout describe above. set kendo ui recent version , worked expected. set older version , row filter (which not supported) not show.
here code:
var griddatasource = new{ data: [{ id: 1, payername: "jane doe", payerplan: "planer", state: "ne", claimstatusphonenumber: "1234", claimmailingaddress: "howdy lane" }, { id: 2, payername: "jany doe", payerplan: "planer", state: "ga", claimstatusphonenumber: "1234345", claimmailingaddress: "123 howdy lane" } ], batch: true, schema: { model: { fields: { "id": { editable: false, nullable: true }, "payername": { editable: true, nullable: false }, "payerplan": { editable: true, nullable: true }, "state": { editable: true, nullable: true }, "claimstatusphonenumber": { editable: true, nullable: true }, "claimmailingaddress": { editable: true, nullable: true } } } } }); //var grid = $("#gridallpayers").data("kendogrid"); var gridheight = 330; // $(window).height() - 220; var configuration = { columns: getheaderswithcolumns(), // resizable: true, // columnmenu: true, // reorderable: true, // height: gridheight, //filterable: true, filterable: { mode: "menu, row" }, datasource: griddatasource, // navigatable: true, // sortable: true, pageable: { input: true, numeric: true } }; var feedback = $("#gridallpayers").kendogrid(configuration).data("kendogrid"); griddatasource.insert(3, { id: 3, payername: "john doe", payerplan: "planer", state: "ne", claimstatusphonenumber: "1234", claimmailingaddress: "howdy lane" }); griddatasource.insert(4, { id: 4, payername: "jackne doe", payerplan: "planer", state: "ne", claimstatusphonenumber: "1234", claimmailingaddress: "howdy lane" }); feedback.refresh(); function getheaderswithcolumns() { var cols = []; cols.push({ field: "payername", title: "insurance name", headerattributes: { "class": "table-header-cell", style: "text-align:center;font-size: 13px" }, width: 220, attributes: { style: "text-align:left;" }, filterable: { cell: { showoperators: false } } }, { field: "payerplan", title: "plan name", headerattributes: { "class": "test", style: "text-align: left; font-size: 13px" }, width: 220, attributes: { style: "text-align:left;" } }, { field: "state", title: "insurance's state", headerattributes: { "class": "table-header-cell", style: "text-align: left; font-size: 13px" }, width: 200, attributes: { style: "text-align:left;" } }, { field: "claimstatusphonenumber", title: "claim status #", headerattributes: { "class": "table-header-cell", style: " font-size: 13px" }, width: 200, attributes: { style: "text-align:left;" } }, { field: "claimmailingaddress", title: "claim's mailing address", headerattributes: { "class": "table-header-cell", style: "font-size: 11px" }, width: 300 }); return cols; }
see working version here:
and older version not work:
note older (not supported) version uses cdn described here:
that contains specific version of
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