spring - APK file cannot be downloaded completely in android browser ,but can be download successfully in PC from my same web server? -

apk file can not downloaded android browser, can downloaded @ pc's browser. actually, apk file has 5.9 mb, can downloaded 1.2kb in total. therefore, got 'analyzed failed' error.

web server: linux + tomcat 7.x + jdk1.7 , , set apk mime type in tomcat server web.xml.
web app: spring 4.0.2 + spring mvc + mybatis,

test link:
download function:

 @requestmapping(value = "/appstore/download", method = requestmethod.get) public responseentity<byte[]> download() throws ioexception {     httpheaders headers = new httpheaders();     headers.setcontenttype(mediatype.application_octet_stream);     //linux env.     file file = new file("/usr/appstore/test.apk");     if (!file.exists()) {         //test env. windows         file = new file("d:/test.apk");         if(!file.exists()){             throw new filenotfoundexception("oops! can not find app file.");         }     }     string filename = filenameutils.getname(file.getabsolutepath());     //     filename=new string(filename.getbytes("utf-8"),"iso-8859-1");     headers.setcontentdispositionformdata("attachment", filename);     //     return new responseentity<byte[]>(fileutils.readfiletobytearray(file),             headers, httpstatus.created); } 

i solved following bradford200's advice. think reason had not add annotation of produces="application/apk, or reason had not add other headers, , new code @ below:

@requestmapping(value = "/appstore/download", method = requestmethod.get, produces="application/apk") public responseentity<inputstreamresource> download() throws ioexception {      file file = new file("/usr/appstore/test.apk");     if (!file.exists()) {         file = new file("d:/test.apk");         if(!file.exists()) {             throw new filenotfoundexception("oops! file not found");         }     }      inputstreamresource isresource = new inputstreamresource(new fileinputstream(file));     filesystemresource filesystemresource = new filesystemresource(file);     string filename = filenameutils.getname(file.getabsolutepath());     filename=new string(filename.getbytes("utf-8"),"iso-8859-1");     httpheaders headers = new httpheaders();     headers.setcontenttype(mediatype.application_octet_stream);     headers.add("cache-control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate");     headers.add("pragma", "no-cache");     headers.add("expires", "0");     headers.setcontentlength(filesystemresource.contentlength());     headers.setcontentdispositionformdata("attachment", filename);     return new responseentity<inputstreamresource>(isresource, headers, httpstatus.ok); } 


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