swift - How to call an optional protocol method? -

i have class conforms own protocol has optional methods. reference class's object optional. in other words, object may present , may have implemented method in question. how call it? have code this:

if let thedelegate = delegate {     if let result = thedelegate.delegatemethod() {     } } 

but xcode complains "value of optional type '(()->())?' not unwrapped". wants me change second half of line 2 in example "thedelegate.delegatemethod!()", force unwrapping defeats purpose of trying do. how supposed call method? note method has no parameters or return values.

according documentation, optional methods should called this:

if let thedelegate = delegate {     if let result = thedelegate.delegatemethod?() {     }else {         // delegatemethod not implemented     } } 

optional property requirements, , optional method requirements return value, return optional value of appropriate type when accessed or called, reflect fact optional requirement may not have been implemented.


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