r - How to load an image in Shiny -
i display image in shiny app can't find path have give.
my app structure following :
app> server.r ui.r wwww> images> image.png
and have following code :
ui <- fluidpage( tags$div(img(src = "www/images/image.png")) ) server <- function(input, output) {} runapp(list(ui = ui, server = server))
it doesn't work.
i tried lot of syntax path,
options("shiny.port" = 8080) img(src = paste0("", getoption("shiny.port"), "/www/images/image.png"))
but i'm realy struggling disply image, in html inspector have "failed load given url". if have ideas... !
nb : i'm able load css same syntax (i.e. tags$style("www/css/style.css"))
it should works without "www/" prefix : img(src = "images/image.png")
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