postgresql - How to update a table in postgis using ST_Intersects -

i have 1 2 tables in postgis. 1 bank point , indiastate polygon. both of tables having column named state. bank state column empty , indiastate table state column having name of state. want populate state column in bank table using st_intersects. able select bank points falling under particular state

select st_intersection("indiastate".geom, tn_bank.geom) inter "bank_name", "lat" "indiastate" inner join tn_bank on st_intersects("indiastate".geom, tn_bank.geom) "indiastate".state='kerala' 

the above sql returning 66 rows correct.

but update command not working properly

update tn_bank set "state"='kerala'  (select st_intersection("indiastate".geom, tn_bank.geom) inter "bank_name", "lat" "indiastate" inner join tn_bank on st_intersects("indiastate".geom, tn_bank.geom) "indiastate".state='kerala')x 

it updating of rows in bank table. kindly help.

  • you don't have specify target table in clause, in range table
  • you need link/associate target table source-table(s), moved on() clause clause

update tn_bank dst set "state" = 'kerala'  "indiastate" src st_intersects(src.geom, dst.geom)   , src.state = 'kerala'         ; 

since not using fields froum source table (and more 1 row satisfy intersects()), can move src table exists() check:

update tn_bank dst set "state" = 'kerala' exists (         select *         "indiastate" src         src.state = 'kerala'           , st_intersects(src.geom, dst.geom)         ); 


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