javascript - Accessing the controller associated with a directive instance -

i have associated controller directive so:

return function mydirective() {     return {         scope: {},         restrict: 'e',         template: template,         controller: 'mycontroller',         replace: true,     }; }; 

if want access method on controller template, need add controller property on scope?


<div>    <div>      <button ng-click="dosomething()">do something.</button>   </div> </div>  


function mycontroller() {}  mycontroller.prototype.dosomething() {   window.alert('foo'); } 

you should avoid scope: {} directive access controller functions because of scope: {} in directive create isolate scope controller.

that's why may can not access controller functions directive template.

after avoid scope: {} use functions normal controller functions.


<button data-ng-click="myfunction()">call function</button> 

you can use scope in link function in directive.

link: function (scope, element, attrs) 


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