haxe - Need Help Uninstalling Stencyl -

when try install openfl haxe error:

c:\users\dude>haxelib install openfl have openfl version 3.3.0 installed [file_contents,c:\program files (x86)\stencyl\plaf\haxe\lib/openfl/.current] 

i have uninstalled stencyl program files (win8.1_64bit) , ran ccleaner make sure wiped out. checked system , user environmental variables didn't found stencyl anywhere.

then have reinstalled haxe on again, reason keep getting same error. after fresh installation, have checked installation location of haxe using >haxelib config command still weird output

c:\users\dude>haxelib config c:\program files (x86)\stencyl\plaf\haxe\lib/ 

currently haxe installed @ c:\haxetoolkit on machine

well entered stencyl keyword in windows search bar , saw file: .hxcpp_config.xml. file , 1 called .haxelib located in user home folder.

the problem fixed after deleting both of files.

also found stencyl hiding (ಠ_ಠ ). file .hxcpp_config.xml directs appdata folder in user directory (c:\users\dude\appdata\roaming\stencyl)


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