r - shiny dataTable rows_current and rows_all give the same rows -

i trying provide download handler in shiny app. works fine, grabs current filtered rows , not rows, though use rows_all.

this code reproduces problem. why rows_current , rows_all equal?

ptagg <- data.frame(x = seq(1:100), y = seq(1:100)) ui <- fluidpage(   navbarpage('shiny application',              tabpanel('overall summary',                       sidebarlayout(                         sidebarpanel(                           checkboxgroupinput('show_vars', 'columns display:', names(ptagg), selected = names(ptagg)),                           helptext('select columns interested in subset of data displayed'),                           downloadbutton('downloaddata', 'download data')),                         mainpanel(div(datatableoutput('overallsummary'),                                       style = 'font-size:80%'),                                   verbatimtextoutput('currrow'),                                   verbatimtextoutput('allrow'))                       )              ))) server <- function(input, output) {   output$overallsummary <- dt::renderdatatable({     select_(ptagg, .dots = strsplit(input$show_vars, ' ')) %>%       datatable(options = list(orderclasses = true)) %>%       formatcurrency(columns = grep('y', names(ptagg)))   })   output$currrow <- renderprint({     cat('current rows: \n')     cat(input$overallsummary_rows_current)     cat('\n')     cat('all rows: \n')     cat(input$overallsummary_rows_all)     cat('\n')   }) }  shinyapp(ui = ui, server = server) 


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