javascript - Angularjs templateUrl vs template scope issue -
i ran strange behaviour on angular. when creating directive if use
mod.directive('test', [function(){ return { restrict: 'e', templateurl: '/test/test.html', transclude: true, controller: ['$scope',function($scope){ //$scope equals containing scope of directive. why??? }] }; }]);
$scope same scope (not inherited) containing scope of directive.
but if create directive as
mod.directive('test', [function(){ return { restrict: 'e', template: '<div><div ng-transclude /></div>', transclude: true, controller: ['$scope',function($scope){ //$scope new. inherited container scope }] }; }]);
only difference template vs templateurl. "templateurl" 1 uses parent scope "template" 1 creates new scope. dont understand why. angular bug?
thanks already
edit: using angular 1.3.0-beta.7
big-edit: using directive on same element @estus mentioned.
<test other-directive></test>
other-directive defined scope:true. doesn't create new scope when used templateurl on test directive.
edit: sample plnkr (templateurl)
plnkr -> (template)
this confusing expected behaviour directive asynchronously loaded template (via templateurl
because template loading asynchronous compiler suspend compilation of directives on element later when template has been resolved. in meantime continue compile , link sibling , parent elements though element had not contained directives.
to around issue use priority
compile directive new scope in first place:
app.directive('directiveone', function () { return { restrict: 'e', templateurl: 'directive-template.html', transclude: true, controller: ['$scope', function($scope){ ... }] }; }); app.directive('directivetwo', function () { return { priority: 100, scope: true }; });
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