powershell - How to get progress information resulting from Write-Progress? -
i have powershell function calls write-progress
. in function, state of displayed progress. possible query state of displayed progress?
the use case this:
- i have function calls function b 10 times.
- each time function calls function b,
called update-percentcomplete
. - within function b, update
of progress, don't know current percent complete is. don't want pass around "progress" object b if can query displayed progress object.
i have tagged powershell-v2.0 because environment is.
i have tried looking in $host
variable, $host.ui
, $host.ui.rawui
, not find want.
so else interested, ended defining these 2 functions in module (kudos hal9256 inspiration):
function get-progress { [cmdletbinding()] param() if (-not $global:progress) { $global:progress = new-object psobject -property @{ 'activity' = $null 'status' = $null 'id' = $null 'completed' = $null 'currentoperation' = $null 'parentid' = $null 'percentcomplete' = $null 'secondsremaining' = $null 'sourceid' = $null } } $global:progress } function show-progress { [cmdletbinding()] param() $progress = $global:progress $properties = $progress.psobject.properties | {$_.membertype -eq 'noteproperty'} $parameters = @{} foreach ($property in $properties) { if ($property.value) { $parameters[$property.name] = $property.value } } if ($parameters.count) { write-progress @parameters } }
there's nothing query. must keep track of/calculate percentage , pass cmdlet, otherwise write-progress
wouldn't know display.
give function b additional parameter , add counter function a:
function { $i = 1 1..10 | % { b (10 * $i) $i++ } } function b($p) { write-progress -activity 'foo' -percentcomplete $p }
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