javascript - calculate and display difference between 2 dates before submitting form -
i find find way calculate difference between 2 dates, , display result before submit form. similar check in - check out drop downs in yellow/ orange box in on selecting dates number of nights displayed.
html version of code displayed in js fiddle:
code used generate drop down date selectors
<?php // displays days leading 0s $options = array(); ($i=1; $i<32; $i++) { $theday = date('d', mktime(0,0,0,0,$i,2000)); $sel = ($i == date('d') ? 'selected="selected"' : ''); $options[] = "<option value= \"{$theday}\" {$sel}>{$theday} </option>"; } $options_list = join("\r\n", $options); echo "<div class='select' id='date'><select class=\"short-input\" name=\"day_from\">{$options_list}</select></div>"; ?> <?php $options = array(); ($i = 1; $i<13; $i++) { $themonth = date('f', mktime(0,0,0,$i,2, 2000)); $month = date('m', mktime(0,0,0,$i,2,2000)); $sel =($i == date('n') ? ' selected="selected"' : ''); $options[] = "<option value=\"{$month}\" {$sel}>{$themonth} </option>"; } $options_list = join("\r\n", $options); echo "<div class='select' id='month'><select class=\"short-input\" name=\"month_from\" size=\"1\">{$options_list}</select></div>"; ?> <?php /* build selection list year */ $today = time(); // stores today's date $startyr = date("y", $today); // year $today echo "<div class='select' id='year'> <select class='short-input' name='year_from'>\n"; ($year=$startyr;$year<=$startyr+10;$year++) { echo " <option value= $year"; if ($startyr == $year) { echo ""; } echo " > $year</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n</div>\n"; ?>
you have 2 options, use java-script or submit form php file , process form. jsfiddle working example
// script
function staycost() { var dayfrom = $('.day-from').val(); var monthfrom = $('.month-from').val(); var yearfrom = $('.year-from').val(); var datefrom = date.parse(monthfrom + ' ' + dayfrom + ' ' + yearfrom); var dayto = $('.day-to').val(); var monthto = $('.month-to').val(); var yearto = $('.year-to').val(); var dateto = date.parse(monthto + ' ' + dayto + ' ' + yearto); var datedifference = dateto - datefrom; var diffindays = math.ceil(datedifference / (1000 * 3600 * 24)); $('.days').text(diffindays); $('.cost').text(diffindays * 40); } staycost(); $('.day-to').change(function () { staycost(); });
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