c++ - Finding Earth Coordinates (latitude,longitude), Distance (meters) and Bearing (angle) -
i need deal earth coordinates in various ways. there no function in c/c++ straight away.
referred below questions:
- python: lat/long given current point, distance , bearing
- c: given point of (latitude,longitude), distance , bearing, how new latitude , longitude
from 1st 1 , movable type scripts website, found below formulas:
find bearing(angle) between 2 coordinates
x = cos(lat1rad)*sin(lat2rad) - sin(lat1rad)*cos(lat2rad)*cos(lon2rad-lon1rad); y = sin(lon2rad-lon1rad) * cos(lat2rad); bearing = atan2(y, x); // in radians; // convert degrees , -ve add 360
find distance(meters) between 2 coordinates
pi = 3.14159265358979323846, earthdiametermeters = 2*6371*1000; x = sin((lat2rad-lat1rad) / 2); y = sin((lon2rad-lon1rad) / 2); meters = earthdiametermeters * asin(sqrt(x*x + y*y*cos(lat1rad)*cos(lat2rad)));
find coordinate coordinate+distance+angle
meters *= 2 / earthdiametermeters; lat2rad = asin(sin(lat1rad)*cos(meters) + cos(lat1rad)*sin(meters)*cos(bearing)); lon2rad = lon1rad + atan2(sin(bearing)*sin(meters)*cos(lat1rad), cos(meters) - sin(lat1rad)*sin(lat2rad));
below pseudo code should verify above 3 equations mutually:
struct coordinate { double lat, lon; } c1, c2; auto degree = findbearing(c1, c2); auto meters = finddistance(c1, c2); auto cx = findcoordiante(c1, degree, meters);
now answer comes almost near not correct. i.e. cx not equal c2!
there difference of 0.0005
difference in longitude value. e.g.
c1 = (12.968460,77.641308) c2 = (12.967862,77.653130) angle = 92.97 ^^^ distance = 1282.74 cx = (12.967862,77.653613) ^^^
i don't have knowledge of mathematics' havesine forumla. know the website fcc.gov, answer comes correct.
what doing wrong?
code reference
though syntax in c++, math functions c , portable in c (hence tagged both)
#include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<cmath> // source: http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html static const double pi = 3.14159265358979323846, earthdiametermeters = 6371.0 * 2 * 1000; double degreetoradian (const double degree) { return (degree * pi / 180); }; double radiantodegree (const double radian) { return (radian * 180 / pi); }; double coordinatestoangle (double latitude1, const double longitude1, double latitude2, const double longitude2) { const auto longitudedifference = degreetoradian(longitude2 - longitude1); latitude1 = degreetoradian(latitude1); latitude2 = degreetoradian(latitude2); using namespace std; const auto x = (cos(latitude1) * sin(latitude2)) - (sin(latitude1) * cos(latitude2) * cos(longitudedifference)); const auto y = sin(longitudedifference) * cos(latitude2); const auto degree = radiantodegree(atan2(y, x)); return (degree >= 0)? degree : (degree + 360); } double coordinatestometers (double latitude1, double longitude1, double latitude2, double longitude2) { latitude1 = degreetoradian(latitude1); longitude1 = degreetoradian(longitude1); latitude2 = degreetoradian(latitude2); longitude2 = degreetoradian(longitude2); using namespace std; auto x = sin((latitude2 - latitude1) / 2), y = sin((longitude2 - longitude1) / 2); #if 1 return earthdiametermeters * asin(sqrt((x * x) + (cos(latitude1) * cos(latitude2) * y * y))); #else auto value = (x * x) + (cos(latitude1) * cos(latitude2) * y * y); return earthdiametermeters * atan2(sqrt(value), sqrt(1 - value)); #endif } std::pair<double,double> coordinatetocoordinate (double latitude, double longitude, double angle, double meters) { latitude = degreetoradian(latitude); longitude = degreetoradian(longitude); angle = degreetoradian(angle); meters *= 2 / earthdiametermeters; using namespace std; pair<double,double> coordinate; coordinate.first = radiantodegree(asin((sin(latitude) * cos(meters)) + (cos(latitude) * sin(meters) * cos(angle)))); coordinate.second = radiantodegree(longitude + atan2((sin(angle) * sin(meters) * cos(latitude)), cos(meters) - (sin(latitude) * sin(coordinate.first)))); return coordinate; } int main () { using namespace std; const auto latitude1 = 12.968460, longitude1 = 77.641308, latitude2 = 12.967862, longitude2 = 77.653130; cout << std::setprecision(10); cout << "(" << latitude1 << "," << longitude1 << ") --- " "(" << latitude2 << "," << longitude2 << ")\n"; auto angle = coordinatestoangle(latitude1, longitude1, latitude2, longitude2); cout << "angle = " << angle << endl; auto meters = coordinatestometers(latitude1, longitude1, latitude2, longitude2); cout << "meters = " << meters << endl; auto coordinate = coordinatetocoordinate(latitude1, longitude1, angle, meters); cout << "destination = (" << coordinate.first << "," << coordinate.second << ")\n"; }
in coordinatetocoordinate
use sin(coordinate.first)
in degrees. use sin(degreetoradian(coordinate.first))
or more cleaner:
... coordinatetocoordinate (...) { ... coordinate.first = asin((sin(latitude) * cos(meters)) + (cos(latitude) * sin(meters) * cos(angle))); coordinate.second = longitude + atan2((sin(angle) * sin(meters) * cos(latitude)), cos(meters) - (sin(latitude) * sin(coordinate.first))); coordinate.first = radiantodegree(coordinate.first); coordinate.second = radiantodegree(coordinate.second); return coordinate; }
this fixes problem. live demo.
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