java - How can I send the data from a imput type="file" to the controller? -
i have in ftl:
<input type="file" id="doc6" name="documente">
in .js:
var lx = $("#longx").val(); var ly = $("#laty").val(); var jud = $("#judetpunctlucru").val(); var doc6type = $("#doc6type").val(); var doc6 = $('doc6').val(); validatecoords: function (lx, ly, jud, doc6type, doc6) { var data = { lx: lx, ly: ly, jud: jud, doc6type: doc6type, doc6: doc6 }; var url = contextpath + '/validarecoord'; return getjsondata(url, data); }
and in controller:
@requestmapping(value = "/validarecoord", method = requestmethod.get, produces = mediatype.application_json_value) @responsebody public map<string, object> getvalidcoord(@requestparam("lx") string lx, @requestparam("ly") string ly, @requestparam("jud") string jud, @requestparam(value = "doc6type", defaultvalue = "") final string doc6type, @requestparam(value = "doc6", required=false) multipartfile doc6){ ..... }
but doc6 not need when read , error is:
error: org.springframework.web.multipart.multipartexception: current request not multipart request
can tell me how should read data file? var doc6 = $('doc6').val();
it's not ok.
you should try add headers in @requestmapping
headers = "content-type=multipart/*"
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