android - Show dialog in hooked method by xposed running in thread -
i try show alertdialog within hooked method xposed. problem method running in threads, , thread running in thread, etc...
for example : activity -> thread -> thread -> ... -> function
is there way show alertdialog ? have context, since hooked function not in main thread, useless.
edit (some code) :
public class xposed implements ixposedhookloadpackage { private context ctx; private queue<string> queue = new linkedlist<>(); public void handleloadpackage(final loadpackageparam lpparam) throws throwable { if (!lpparam.packagename.equals("")) { return; } // here context static class extending application findandhookmethod("", lpparam.classloader, "attachbasecontext", context.class, new xc_methodhook() { @override protected void afterhookedmethod(methodhookparam param) throws throwable { xposedbridge.log("context modified"); ctx = (context) param.args[0]; } }); findandhookmethod("", lpparam.classloader, "e", "", string.class, new xc_methodhook() { @override protected void afterhookedmethod(final methodhookparam param) throws throwable { if (!(param.args[1]).equals("xxxxxxxxxxxxxx")) { return ; } xposedbridge.log("new element detected detected"); object param = param.args[0]; object info = callmethod(param, "q"); // here, want show alertdialog dialoginterface.onclicklistener dialogclicklistener = new dialoginterface.onclicklistener() { @override public void onclick(dialoginterface dialog, int which) { if (which == dialoginterface.button_positive) { } } }; // classic error can't modify ui // in thread has not called looper.prepare() alertdialog.builder builder = new alertdialog.builder(ctx); builder.setmessage("are sure ?") .setpositivebutton("yes", dialogclicklistener) .setnegativebutton("no", dialogclicklistener) .show(); } }); }
you can keep reference of current activity ( goes this:
class<?> instrumentation = xposedhelpers.findclass( "", lpparam.classloader); method method = instrumentation.getmethod("newactivity", classloader.class, string.class, intent.class); xposedbridge.hookmethod(method, ihook);
in case ihook hook of yours stores current activity statically can invoke runonuithread wherever are:
public class activityhook extends xc_methodhook{ /* assure latest read of write */ private static volatile activity _currentactivity = null; public static activity getcurrentactivity() { return _currentactivity; } @override protected object afterhookedmethod(methodhookparam param) throws throwable { _currentactivity = (activity) param.getresult(); } }
then able anywhere:
good luck!
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