node.js - multiCapabilities function throwing error in protractor -

i need run tests in chrome,ff , ie. when use following tag in tc3conf.js file execution works fine.

capabilities:    {   'browsername': 'chrome'   }, 

however when use following tag, protractor throws error.

var reporter = require('protractor-html-screenshot-reporter'); var path = require('path'); exports.config = {    allscriptstimeout: 99999,   seleniumaddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',    maxsessions: 1,   multicapabilities: [{   'browsername': 'chrome' }, {   'browsername': 'firefox' }],   framework: 'jasmine',   specs: ['tc_2.js'],   onprepare: function() {         beforeeach(function() {         browser.driver.manage().window().setsize(1280, 1024);     });          jasmine.getenv().addreporter(new htmlreporter({          basedirectory: 'd:/testreport3/',          doctitle: 'execution details',          docname: 'report.html',    metadatabuilder: function(spec, descriptions, results, capabilities){             var metadata = {                 description: descriptions.join('|'),                  passed: results.passed(),                            browser: {                   name: capabilities.caps_.browsername                   , version: capabilities.caps_.version                 }                };              if(results.items_.length > 0) {               var result = results.items_[0];              metadata.message = result.message;                                    metadata.trace = result.trace.stack;                                      }                         return metadata;          }         }));    }, }; 

error - failed loading configuration file tc3conf.js

could please tell me solution solve problem?

i'm not sure if problem believe have un-needed comma , un-needed quotes

try changing

 capabilities: {      'browsername': 'firefox',    }, 

to this

 capabilities: {      browsername: 'firefox'    }, 


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