ios - Ionic and ngCordova FileOpener2 Plugin issue -

i building app ionic framework. , need ability open pdf. using ngcordova plugin fileopener2 task.

i no error , success message prompted shows.

this controller :

module.controller('newsctrl', function ($cordovafileopener2) {      $          '../img/newsletter.pdf',          'application/pdf'      ).then(function() {           console.log('success');      }, function(err) {           console.log('error' + err );      });  }); 

i running in emulator command ionic emulate ios --livereload --target="iphone-4s"

i have tested in actual device similar results.

i did stumble upon error when changing of files , livereload server refreshing app on tab controller , got error :

error: undefined not object (evaluating 'cordova.plugins.fileopener2')

no need complicated plugin! in our company app need able open pdf/s well. use works wonderfuly. here on android.

enter image description here

it works in ios: allows not have leave app open pdf. can pinch, zoom, rotate. here code looks like.


 <ion-view>     <div class="bar bar-header bar-positive">         <button ng-click="$ionicgoback()" class="button button-clear button-light icon-left ion-chevron-left">go back</button>     </div>     <div class="has-header">         <ng-pdf template-url="components/pdfviewer/viewer.html" canvasid="pdf" scale="0.675">         </ng-pdf>     </div> </ion-view> 


 <div ng-show="notloaded" class=" center bar bar-subheader">     <h1 class="title">loading pdf...</h1> </div> <div class="tabs tabs-icon-left">     <a class="tab-item" ng-click="goprevious()">         <i class="icon ion-arrow-left-c"></i> prev     </a>     <a class="tab-item" ng-click="gonext()">         <i class="icon ion-arrow-right-c"></i> next     </a> </div>  <ion-scroll zooming="true" direction="xy" class="has-header">     <canvas class="padding" id="pdf" class="rotate0"></canvas> </ion-scroll> 


 //variable shows , hides pdf loading bar $scope.notloaded = true;  //grabs pdfurl $scope.pdfurl = ffservice.pdflink;  //sets position of pdf viewer controls $scope.getnavstyle = function (scroll) {     if (scroll > 100) return 'pdf-controls fixed';     else return 'pdf-controls'; };  //do on pdf progress $scope.onprogress = function (progress) {  }  //do once pdf loaded, use show , hide //the loading... header on android $scope.onload = function () {     $scope.notloaded = false; }  //error logger pdf viewer $scope.onerror = function (error) {     $scope.showcustomalert('something went wrong', '<div class="center">' + error + '</div>'); }; 

and include js file in html , inject 'pdf' top level module

angular.module('ffapp', ['ionic', 'controllers', 'services', 'ngcordova', 'pdf', 'ngsanitize', 'ngimgcrop', 'chart.js', 'ionic.service.core', 'ionic.service.push']); 


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