c++ - win32 Child EDIT is not modified when typing, but can be modified with mouse (copy/paste) -
i developping win32 application (not mfc). main window includes child dialog, has listview (report mode) control. adding in place editing sub items of listview. that, detect double-click (nm_dblclk) in dialog procedure , create child edit window way:
rect rect; listview_getsubitemrect(listview,item,subitem,lvir_bounds,&rect); hwnd edit = createwindowex(ws_ex_clientedge | ws_ex_right, l"edit", l"", ws_child|ws_visible /*|es_wantreturn*/, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, 1.5*(rect.bottom - rect.top), listview, 0, getmodulehandle(null), null); setwindowtextw(edit, buffer); edit_limittext(edit, 12); edit_enable(edit, true); assert(edit != null); setfocus(edit); m_oldeditproc = (wndproc)setwindowlong(edit, gwl_wndproc, (long)editproc);
if(msg == wm_killfocus) { destroywindow(wnd); } return callwindowproc(m_oldeditproc, wnd, msg, wparam, lparam);
it seem ok, except edit control seems not handle modification using keyboard. edit has focus (blinking caret). can change selection using keyboard. can change text using setwindowtext. can modify content copy/paste using mouse. cannot modify content of edit keyboard.
when use winspy, see wm_keydown, wm_char , wm_keyup arriving edit window, no change appears.
i cannot figure out doing wrong.
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