json - Why does response.readEntity(Post.class) return null? -

i'm trying json data rest resource , automatically convert java object json-to-java binding. use jersey framework 2.21 jersey-media-moxy module json provider in client application .

i cannot figure out why null instead of proper post object when this:

client client = clientbuilder.newclient(); webtarget webtarget = client.target("http://www.travelportland.com/wp-json"); response response = webtarget.path("posts/9").request().get(); post post = response.readentity(post.class);     // => null 

the post class implementation looks (at point want take 'title' field json):

@xmlrootelement public class post {     private string title;      public string gettitle() {         return title;     }      public void settitle(string title) {         this.title = title;     } } 

all works fine when try string:

string poststr = response.readentity(string.class); 

or if try other resource:

webtarget webtarget = client.target("http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com"); response response = webtarget.path("posts/9").request().get(); post post = response.readentity(post.class);     // => com.example.post@74e28667 

it seems issue somehow related structure or size of json data. how can solve problem?

seems issue moxy. not sure (maybe size, bad chars, don't know). tested jackson, , works fine. might want make switch jackson if can't figure out moxy.

<dependency>     <groupid>org.glassfish.jersey.media</groupid>     <artifactid>jersey-media-json-jackson</artifactid>     <version>${jersey2.version}</version> </dependency> 

you need set class annotation ignore unknown properties if not model keys json

@xmlrootelement @jsonignoreproperties(ignoreunknown = true) public class post { 

jackson recognize jaxb annotations if using bunch of them.

also make sure rid of the moxy dependency of have explicitly register jacksonfeature.class client, disable moxy provider.


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