c# - How to extract data based on timestamps in multiline log? -
i have logs have data in format below. question - lets search log 12:22 pm
, how can extract information pertaining time-stamp , output it... there way can output 12:22 pm onwards until hit next time-stamp? thats want programmatically. appreciated. thank you!
12:22 pm abc def ghi abc 12:33 pm abc def
the output above mentioned case -
12:22 pm abc def ghi abc
also please note: there multiple log entries same timestamp, example, there 2 or 3 or maybe more entries under same timestamp, i.e, 12:22 pm
you can write static function extract required log given timestamp below:
note : i'm not handling exception scenario's[like filenotfoundexception , other exceptions], please handle them per requirement.
static string getlogsbytimestamp(string timestamp) { if (!string.isnullorempty(timestamp)) { string filepath = @"f:\log.txt"; //your logfile path here string format = "hh:mm tt"; timespan reqtimestamp = datetime.parseexact(timestamp.trim(), format, cultureinfo.invariantculture).timeofday; stringbuilder selectivelogs = new stringbuilder(string.empty); bool startreading = false; foreach (var line in file.readlines(filepath)) { string[] arritems = line.split(new[] { ' ' }, stringsplitoptions.removeemptyentries); datetime logdatetime = datetime.minvalue; bool isdatetimevalid = false; if (arritems != null && arritems.length > 1) datetime.tryparseexact(string.format("{0}{1}{2}", arritems[0].trim(), " ", arritems[1].trim()), format, cultureinfo.invariantculture, datetimestyles.none, out logdatetime); timespan logtimestamp = logdatetime.timeofday; if ((!startreading && logtimestamp == reqtimestamp) || (startreading && !isdatetimevalid)) startreading = true; if (startreading && logtimestamp > reqtimestamp) { startreading = false; break; // no need continue when know u //reached greater timestamp required. } if (startreading) selectivelogs.appendline(line); } return selectivelogs.tostring(); } else return string.empty; }
you can use above static function below:
string requiredlog = getlogsbytimestamp("12:22 pm");
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