Receiving empty data from Kafka - Spark Streaming [SOLVED] -

why getting empty data messages when read topic kafka? problem decoder?

*there no error or exception.

thank you.


def main(args: array[string]) {  val sparkconf = new sparkconf().setappname("queue status")  val ssc = new streamingcontext(sparkconf, seconds(1)) ssc.checkpoint("/tmp/")  val kafkaconfig = map("zookeeper.connect" -> "ip.internal:2181",   "" -> "queue-status") val kafkatopics = map("queue_status" -> 1)  val kafkastream = kafkautils.createstream[string, queuestatusmessage, stringdecoder, queuestatusmessagekafkadeserializer](   ssc,   kafkaconfig,   kafkatopics,   storagelevel.memory_and_disk)  kafkastream.window(minutes(1),seconds(10)).print()  ssc.start() ssc.awaittermination()  } 

the kafka decoder:

class queuestatusmessagekafkadeserializer(props: verifiableproperties = null) extends decoder[queuestatusmessage] {   override def frombytes(bytes: array[byte]): queuestatusmessage = queuestatusmessage.parsefrom(bytes) } 

the (empty) result:

------------------------------------------- time: 1440010266000 ms ------------------------------------------- (null,queuestatusmessage(,,0,none,none)) (null,queuestatusmessage(,,0,none,none)) (null,queuestatusmessage(,,0,none,none)) (null,queuestatusmessage(,,0,none,none)) 


just strictly specified types in kafka topic map:

val kafkatopics = map[string, int]("queue_status" -> 1) 

still don't know reason problem, code working fine now.


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