How to setup multiples step definitions for Cucumber Java features on Intellij -

i trying create several step definitions classes several features. project structure:

. ├── cucumberpoc.iml └── src     └── test         ├──         └── features             ├──             ├──             ├── cheese.feature             └── myfeature.feature 

it class:

package test;  import cucumber.api.cucumberoptions; import cucumber.api.junit.cucumber; import org.junit.runner.runwith;  @runwith(cucumber.class) @cucumberoptions(         format = {" pretty", "json:target/cucumber.js"},         features = { "src/test/" } ) public class cucumberrunner { } 

there 2 step definitions classes. when run cheese.feature got error:

/library/java/javavirtualmachines/jdk1.8.0_60.jdk/contents/home/bin/java ... testing started @ 9:26 ...  undefined step: given  go google  undefined step: when  ask cheese  undefined step:  should see many offers   1 scenario (0 passed)   3 steps (0 passed)   1 scenarios (1 undefined) 3 steps (3 undefined) 0m0.000s   can implement missing steps snippets below:  @given("^i go google$") public void i_go_to_google() throws throwable {     // express regexp above code wish had     throw new pendingexception(); }  @when("^i ask cheese$") public void i_ask_for_cheese() throws throwable {     // express regexp above code wish had     throw new pendingexception(); }  @then("^i should see many offers$") public void i_should_see_many_offers() throws throwable {     // express regexp above code wish had     throw new pendingexception(); }   process finished exit code 0 

but steps defined in cheesestepdefinition:

package test.features;  import; import; import; import; import org.openqa.selenium.webdriver; import org.openqa.selenium.webelement; import org.openqa.selenium.htmlunit.htmlunitdriver;  public class cheesestepdefinition {      webdriver driver = null;      @given("^i go google$")     public void i_go_to_google() throws throwable {         driver = new htmlunitdriver();         driver.get("");     }      @when("^i ask cheese$")     public void i_ask_for_cheese() throws throwable {         webelement search = driver.findelement("q"));         search.sendkeys("cheese");         search.submit();     }      @then("^i should see many offers$")     public void i_should_see_many_offers() throws throwable {         system.out.println(driver.gettitle());         driver.close();     } } 

so don't know why cucumber java doesn't see step definition. need other configuration? run myfeature.feature , ok.

tools info.

i using jars:

. ├── cucumber-core-1.1.5.jar ├── cucumber-html-0.2.3.jar ├── cucumber-java-1.1.5.jar ├── cucumber-junit-1.1.5.jar ├── cucumber-jvm-deps-1.0.5.jar ├── gherkin-2.12.1.jar ├── hamcrest-all-1.3.jar ├── jsoup-1.8.3.jar ├── junit-4.12.jar └── selenium-server-standalone-2.47.1.jar 

the ide intellij 14.1 community, on mac.

if need other information, let me know.

you have need define in cucumber options "glue" options.

in runner define glue , features are. >>> glue stepdefinitions , feature features.

in case have stepdefinition in same place features, have tell runner.

in case should be

@cucumberoptions(     format = {" pretty", "json:target/cucumber.js"},     features = { "src/test/"}, glue ={ "src/test/"  }) 



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