excel vba - VBA Word: conditional text replacement -
i have macro searches replaces series of words in document code:
'define array1 words want replaced 'define array2 words want replace have same index 'loop through array , search , replace application.activedocument.content.find i=1 565 .text=array1(i) .replacement.text=array2(i) .wrap=wdfindcontinue .format=false .matchcase=false .matchwholeword=true .matchwildcards=false .matchallwordsforms=false .matchsoundslike=false .matchsuffix=true .matchprefix=true .execute replace:=wdreplaceall next end
i want change functionality won't replace word if first word in line, realize find function doesn't work line line, or allow conditional testing of properties, think best approach me change range function operates on exclude first word in each line.
so instead of activedocument.content.find need activedocument.range defined somehow excludes first word of each line.
does know how define range excludes first word of each line.
not sure of application , "first word in line" assume meant first word of paragraph, works apply search entire paragraph (except first word)
'array position 0 1 2 3 4 array1 = array("1", "2", "3", "4", "5") array2 = array("one", "two", "three", "four", "five") p = 1 activedocument.paragraphs.count 'seelcting paragraph activedocument.paragraphs(p).range.select 'checking if paragraph not blank line if len(selection) > 1 'moving begining of paragraph selection.homekey 'moving 1 word left selection.moveright unit:=wdword, count:=1 'selecting rest of paragraph selection.moveend unit:=wdparagraph 'setting selection bookmark activedocument.bookmarks.add range:=selection.range, name:="tempbm" = 0 4 selection.find .text = array1(i) .replacement.text = array2(i) .forward = true .wrap = wdfindstop .format = false 'replace text while .execute(replace:=wdreplaceone) 'reselect bookmark selection.goto what:=wdgotobookmark, name:="tempbm" loop end next 'deleting bookmark activedocument.bookmarks("tempbm").delete end if next
for test change (i added 1 first word verify ignores it:
1this test 1 2 3 4 5
1this test 1 2 3 4 5
1this test 1 2 3 4 5
1this test 1 2 3 4 5
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