javascript - Angular2 Http Request -

hi trying make request using http module in angular2.

everything compiles fine in typescript (1.5), chrome shows following error in console:

exception: error during instantiation of entrylist!. original exception: typeerror: cannot read property 'merge' of undefined original stacktrace: typeerror: cannot read property 'merge' of undefined @ mergeoptions (   @ execute.http.get (   @ entryservice.getentries (services.js:17) @ new entrylist (entry-list.js:20) 


/// <reference path="../typings/angular2/angular2.d.ts" /> import { http, observable } "angular2/angular2"  export class entryservice {     private _entries: array<string>;     private _http : http;      constructor() {              this._entries = ["test1", "test2", "test3"];         this._http = new http;           }      entries() : array<string> {         return this._entries;     }      getentries()     {         console.log(this._http);         return this._http.get('http://localhost:53338/api/decisions')                    .torx()             .map((response) => {                  response.json()             });          } } 


/// <reference path="../typings/angular2/angular2.d.ts" /> /// <reference path="../modules/services.ts" />  import { component, view, ngfor } "angular2/angular2" import { entryservice } "modules/services"  @component({     selector: 'entry-list'   }) @view({     directives: [ ngfor ],     templateurl: "../views/entry-list.html"  }) export class entrylist {     entries: array<string>;       constructor(public service: entryservice) {              this.entries = this.service.entries;         this.service.getentries().subscribe((response) => {                  console.log(response);         });      } } 


/// <reference path="typings/angular2/angular2.d.ts" /> /// <reference path="components/entry-list.ts" /> /// <reference path="modules/services.ts" />  import { component, view, bootstrap, ngfor } "angular2/angular2" import { entrylist } "components/entry-list" import { entryservice } "modules/services"  @component({     selector : "app",     bindings: [ entryservice ]   }) @view({     directives: [ entrylist ],     templateurl: "views/app.html"    }) class app {      constructor() {         console.log('hit');     } }  bootstrap(app); 


<html>     <head>         <title>scm</title>         <script src=""></script>         <script src=""></script>               <script src=""></script>     </head>     <body>         <app></app>         <script>system.import('app')</script>     </body> </html>  

i did @ api documentation on site, can't see whats wrong.



/// <reference path="../typings/angular2/angular2.d.ts" /> import { http, observable, httpinjectables } "angular2/angular2"  export class entryservice {     private _entries: array<string>;          constructor(private http: http) {                this._entries = ["test1", "test2", "test3"];                 }      entries() : array<string> {         return this._entries;     }      getentries()     {         console.log(this.http);         return this.http.get('http://localhost:53338/api/decisions')                     .torx()             .map((response) => {                  response.json()             });          } } 


/// <reference path="../typings/angular2/angular2.d.ts" /> /// <reference path="../modules/services.ts" />  import { component, view, ngfor, http, httpinjectables } "angular2/angular2" import { entryservice } "modules/services"  @component({     selector: 'entry-list',     bindings : [ http, httpinjectables ] }) @view({     directives: [ ngfor ],     templateurl: "../views/entry-list.html"  }) export class entrylist {     entries: array<string>;       constructor(public service: entryservice) {              this.entries = this.service.entries;         this.service.getentries().subscribe((response) => {                  console.log(response);         });      } } 


/// <reference path="typings/angular2/angular2.d.ts" /> /// <reference path="components/entry-list.ts" /> /// <reference path="modules/services.ts" />  import { component, view, bootstrap, ngfor, http, httpinjectables } "angular2/angular2" import { entrylist } "components/entry-list" import { entryservice } "modules/services"  @component({     selector : "app",     bindings: [ entryservice, http, httpinjectables ]    }) @view({     directives: [ entrylist ],     templateurl: "views/app.html"    }) class app {      constructor() {         console.log('hit');     } }  bootstrap(app); 

without changes index.html

edit: services.ts file changes working:

/// <reference path="../typings/angular2/angular2.d.ts" /> import { injector, http, httpinjectables } "angular2/angular2"  export class entryservice {     private _entries: array<string>;         private http: http;      constructor() {              this._entries = ["test1", "test2", "test3"];                  var injector = injector.resolveandcreate([                 httpinjectables,                 http             ]);         this.http = injector.get(http);                      }      entries() : array<string> {         return this._entries;     }      getentries()     {                return this.http.get('http://localhost:53338/api/decisions')                     .torx()             .map(response => response.json());           } } 

you should not instantiate http yourself, instead injected :

public constructor(http : http) {     this.http = http; } 

the documentation says :

http available injectable class, methods perform http requests.

therefore not sure result if instantiate yourself, somehow can't manage request due internals undefined.

edit: adding more sources.

@injectable() export class http {     constructor(protected _backend: connectionbackend, protected _defaultoptions: requestoptions) {}      /**      * performs request `get` http method.      */     get(url: string, options?: requestoptionsargs): eventemitter {         return httprequest(this._backend, new request(mergeoptions(this._defaultoptions, options, requestmethods.get, url)));   } } 

here added little part of http class github repo. can see _backend , _defaultoptions given in constructor don't give, , method get() build options request based on options parameter , _defaultoptions given in constructor, since provide none of these, believe crashes in mergeoptions call can find here :

function mergeoptions(defaultopts, providedopts, method, url): requestoptions {   var newoptions = defaultopts;   if (ispresent(providedopts)) {     // hack dart can used named parameters     newoptions = newoptions.merge(new requestoptions({       method: providedopts.method,       url: providedopts.url,       search:,       headers: providedopts.headers,       body: providedopts.body,       mode: providedopts.mode,       credentials: providedopts.credentials,       cache: providedopts.cache     }));   }   if (ispresent(method)) {     return newoptions.merge(new requestoptions({method: method, url: url}));   } else {     return newoptions.merge(new requestoptions({url: url}));   } } 

at last if/else of function. more information source file located here.


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