python - Tkinter Scrollbar not showing -

so i've tried bunch of different solutions threads i've searched here. here code:

def begin():      global path, thumbpath, fullimgpath, running     root =     root.title("keybuilder")      frame = frame(root, width = 630, height = 450)     frame.pack()      exitbutton = button(frame, text="exit keybuilder", width=10, command=exitprogram)     exitbutton.grid(row = 0, column = 0)      running = true     b = button(frame, text="set directory path", width=20, command=getpath)     b.grid(row = 0, column = 1)      groupmenu = frame(frame, width = 150)     tree = treeview(groupmenu, selectmode = 'browse')     tree.pack(fill = y)     tree.insert(parent = '', index = 'end', text = 'master')     = tree.insert(parent = '', index = 'end', text = 'group 1')     tree.insert(parent = a, index = 'end', text = 'slide 1')      yscrollbar = tkinter.scrollbar(frame, orient = vertical)     numimages = 0     infile in glob.glob(os.path.join(path + '/imgthumb/', '*jpg')):         numimages += 1     columns = 4     image_count = 0      gallery = canvas(frame, width = columns * thumb_size, height = columns * thumb_size, yscrollcommand = yscrollbar.set)#     yscrollbar.config(command = gallery.yview)     infile in glob.glob(os.path.join(path + '/imgthumb/', '*.jpg')):         print "filling gallery with: " + infile         image_count += 1         r, c = divmod(image_count-1, columns)         im =         tkimage = imagetk.photoimage(im)         myvar = label(gallery, image=tkimage)         myvar.image = tkimage         gallery.create_window(c*thumb_size, r*thumb_size, anchor = nw, window = myvar)     gallery.config(scrollregion=gallery.bbox(all))     yscrollbar.config(command = gallery.yview)     groupmenu.grid(row = 1, column = 0)     gallery.grid(row = 1, column = 1)     yscrollbar.grid(row = 1, column = 2)     yscrollbar.config(command = gallery.yview)     root.mainloop() 

and here of packages i'm using might have issue:

import pymongo import glob, os subprocess import popen import tkinter tkinter import * ttk import * pil import image, imagetk import zipfile import shutil 

i've tried setting scrollbar , canvas, , populating canvas in many different orders. i've tried giving canvas specific scroll regions. can't seem scrollbar work.


solved it. had add

sticky = ne + se 

as argument to


and place scroll bar in column 1 left of column holding canvas being scrolled.

i think scrollbar there grid geometry manager placed somewhere couldn't access.


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