javascript - No file data showing for attachment with Ajax -

so i'm having bit of issue when trying send email myself attachment. i'm not using standard php mail function, i'm using phpmailer because of convenience. i'm running post through ajax call , i've done extensive research make sure formats correctly.

what happening when submitting form data sends through correctly. i'm getting image name, nothing else it. content type set correctly, , else set correctly, i"m confused going on , use little insight.

all code sectioned off below

html form index.php

<form id='requestartform' action='' method='post'>     <div class='row'>         <section class='form-group col-sm-6 col-xs-12'>             <label class='control-label req'>name</label>             <input type='text' class='form-control' id='name' data-validator='notempty'/>         </section>         <section class='clearfix'></section>         <section class='form-group col-sm-6 col-xs-12'>             <label class='control-label req'>e-mail address</label>             <input type='email' class='form-control' id='email_address' data-validator='notempty|isemail' />         </section>         <section class='clearfix'></section>         <section class='form-group col-sm-6 col-xs-12'>             <label class='control-label'>phone number</label>             <input type='tel' class='form-control' id='phone' data-validator='isphonenumber' />         </section>         <section class='clearfix'></section>         <section class='form-group col-sm-6 col-xs-12'>             <label class='control-label'>upload image</label>             <input type='file' name='images[]' multiple/>         </section>         <section class='clearfix'></section>         <section class='form-group col-xs-12'>             <label class='control-label req'>additional comments</label>             <textarea class='form-control' rows='5' id='comments' data-validator='notempty'></textarea>         </section>         <section class='form-group col-xs-12'>             <button type='submit' class='btn btn-primary pull-right'>send message</button>         </section>     </div> </form> 

javascript main_scripts.php

$('#requestartform').submit(function(e){     e.preventdefault();     $('body').spin('large');     var formdata = new formdata();     formdata.append('callback', 'requestdrawing');     formdata.append('parameters[]', $('#requestartform #name').val());     formdata.append('parameters[]', $('#requestartform #email_address').val());     formdata.append('parameters[]', $('#requestartform #phone').val());     formdata.append('parameters[]', $('#requestartform #comments').val());     $.each($('[name="images[]"]')[0].files, function(i, file){         formdata.append('images[]', file);     });     if(validator($(this))){         $.ajax({             url : "<?=app_base?>assets/server/callbacks.php",             type : 'post',             data : formdata,             datatype : 'json',             contenttype : 'multipart/form-data',             processdata : false,             success : function(data){                 $('body').spin(false);                 if(!data.errors){                     }else{                     }             }         });     }else{         $('body').spin(false);     } }); 

php callbacks.php

$enabledfunctions = array(); $mail = new phpmailer();  function enablefunction($function){     global $enabledfunctions;     array_push($enabledfunctions, $function); }  function requestdrawing($name, $email_address, $phone, $comments){     global $mail;     $response = array();      if(empty($name) or empty($email_address)){         $response['errors'] = true;         $response['message'] = "please make sure required fields filled out. fields marked asterisk required.";     }else{          $body = "you have new message $name\n\n";         $body .= "name: $name\n";         $body .= "email address: $email_address\n";         $body .= "phone number: $phone\n";         $body .= "comments: $comments\n\n";          $mail->from = "$email_address";         $mail->fromname = "$name";         $mail->addaddress("", "mark hill");         $mail->addreplyto("$email_address", "$name");         if (isset($_files['images']) && $_files['images']['error'] == upload_err_ok) {             $mail->addattachment($_files['images']['tmp_name'], $_files['images']['name']);         }         $mail->subject = "new message $name";         $mail->body = $body;          if(!$mail->send()){             $response['errors'] = true;             $response['success'] = "there error when trying send message, please try again later.";         }else{             $response['success'] = "your message has been sent!";         }     }      return $response; } enablefunction('requestdrawing');  $function = $_post['callback']; $parameters = isset($_post['parameters']) ? array_values($_post['parameters']) : ""; if(empty($parameters) && in_array($function, $enabledfunctions)){     echo json_encode(call_user_func($function)); }elseif(in_array($function, $enabledfunctions)){     echo json_encode(call_user_func_array($function, $parameters)); } 

i thoroughly followed phpmailer documentation , double checked have written out here, nothing seems giving me proper solution.


setting content-type : 'multipart/form-data' provides php error of undefined index: callback. setting enctype on form provides identical error. setting false sends message have no attachment.

also, when looking through devloper tools, when check response tab, when run print_r($_files['images']

array (     [name] => 20150625_140017.jpg     [type] =>      [tmp_name] =>      [error] => 1     [size] => 0 ) 

take @ the example provided phpmailer. you're missing standard stuff handling file uploads in php, it's done correctly in example.

setting submitter's address address fail spf checks - put own address in , submitter's in reply-to.

it looks you've based code on obsolete example, make sure have latest phpmailer too.


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