android - Muzei database doesn't update when I update external JSON -

i'm in middle of making wallpaper app android , i'm have problem muzei support , hoping here can me see i'm missing.

i have json file app uses wallpaper urls , display pictures from. works fine , gets right images. if update json more entries , more images muzei extension still uses old database. thinking maybe caches database , doesn't update whatever reason. way use updated json file clear data of app , set different extension in muzei , reset muzei extension. not user friendly.

probably being blind appreciated.

package com.main.walls.muzei;  import android.content.intent; import; import android.util.log;  import; import; import; import com.main.walls.utilities.preferences;  import org.apache.http.httpresponse; import org.apache.http.client.httpclient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.httpget; import org.apache.http.impl.client.defaulthttpclient; import org.apache.http.util.entityutils; import org.json.jsonarray; import org.json.jsonobject;  import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.random;  import walls.wallpaper.r;  public class artsource extends remotemuzeiartsource {      private wallsdatabase wdb;     private arraylist<wallpaperinfo> wallslist;     private preferences mprefs;      private static final string artsource_name = "walls";     private static final string json_url = "";     private static final string market_url = "";     private static final int command_id_share = 1337;      public artsource() {         super(artsource_name);     }      @override     public int onstartcommand(intent intent, int flags, int startid) {         string command = intent.getextras().getstring("service");         if (command != null) {             try {                 ontryupdate(update_reason_user_next);             } catch (retryexception e) {                 log.d("muzeiartsource", log.getstacktracestring(e));             }         }         return super.onstartcommand(intent, flags, startid);     }      @override     public void oncreate() {         super.oncreate();          wdb = new wallsdatabase(getapplicationcontext());         wallslist = new arraylist<>();          mprefs = new preferences(artsource.this);          arraylist<usercommand> commands = new arraylist<>();         commands.add(new usercommand(builtin_command_id_next_artwork));         commands.add(new usercommand(command_id_share, getstring(r.string.justshare)));          setusercommands(commands);      }      @override     public void oncustomcommand(int id) {         super.oncustomcommand(id);         if (id == command_id_share) {             artwork currentartwork = getcurrentartwork();             intent sharewall = new intent(intent.action_send);             sharewall.settype("text/plain");              string authorname = currentartwork.getbyline();             string storeurl = market_url + getresources().getstring(r.string.package_name);             string iconpackname = getstring(r.string.app_name);              sharewall.putextra(intent.extra_text,                     getstring(r.string.partone) + authorname +                             getstring(r.string.parttwo) + iconpackname +                             getstring(r.string.partthree) + storeurl);              sharewall = intent.createchooser(sharewall, getstring(r.string.share_title));             sharewall.addflags(intent.flag_activity_new_task);             startactivity(sharewall);         }     }      @override     protected void ontryupdate(int reason) throws retryexception {         if (mprefs.isfeaturesenabled()) {             if (wallslist.size() == 0)                 getwallpapersfromurl(json_url);             int = getrandomint();             string token = wallslist.get(i).getwallurl();             publishartwork(new artwork.builder()                     .byline(wallslist.get(i).getwallauthor())                     .imageuri(uri.parse(wallslist.get(i).getwallurl()))                     .token(token)                     .viewintent(new intent(intent.action_view, uri.parse(wallslist.get(i).getwallurl())))                     .build());             scheduleupdate(system.currenttimemillis() + mprefs.getrotatetime());         }     }      private int getrandomint() {         return new random().nextint(wallslist.size());     }      private void getwallpapersfromurl(string url) {         wallslist.clear();         wallslist = wdb.getallwalls();          if (wallslist.size() == 0) {             try {                 httpclient cl = new defaulthttpclient();                 httpresponse response = cl.execute(new httpget(url));                 if (response.getstatusline().getstatuscode() == 200) {                     final string data = entityutils.tostring(response.getentity());                     jsonobject jsonobject = new jsonobject(data);                     final jsonarray jsonarray = jsonobject.getjsonarray("wallpapers");                     wallslist.clear();                     wdb.deleteallwallpapers();                     (int = 0; < jsonarray.length(); i++) {                         jsonobject = jsonarray.getjsonobject(i);                         wallpaperinfo jsondata = new wallpaperinfo(                                 jsonobject.getstring("author"),                                 jsonobject.getstring("url")                         );                         wdb.addwallpaper(jsondata);                         wallslist.add(jsondata);                     }                 }             } catch (exception e) {                 log.d("wallpapers", log.getstacktracestring(e));             }         }     } } 

not sure if need other code in here or not , logcat doesn't anything, it's though it's it's working normal. if need see more code let me know.

thanks help.

basically right , being stupid , missing simplest thing, didn't have

in wasn't updating database_version. leaving @ 1 , when updated app didn't bother update database because version same.

so change value of private static final int database_version = 1 higher number , should work great.

simple mistake easy 1 make guess.


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