android - Error: Multiple dex files define Landroid/support/annotations/AnimRes with Admob and Facebook Cordova plugins -
i'm building app using cordova , ionic framework.
- i'm using wizcorp facebook plugin: . - and added google admob plugin:
however when build project i'm met error:
unexpected top-level exception: multiple dex files define landroid/support/annotations/animres;
other solutions mention multiple android-support-v4.jar
files conflicting, android-support-v4.jar
file can find within facebook plugin.
another solution mentioned conflicting versions (i.e android-support-v4.jar
conflicting android-support-v13.jar
) - again, cannot see references android-support-v13.jar
within project.
another solution conflicting android-support-annotations.jar
, android-support-v4.jar
: multiple dex files define landroid/support/annotation/animres . cannot find android-support-annotations.jar
files within project, except created in: myproject\platforms\android\build\intermediates\pre-dexed\debug
however don't understand how getting created.
how can solve problem? problem can reproduced:
>ionic start myapp tabs >cd myapp >cordova plugin add --variable app_id="123456789" --variable app_name="myapplication" >cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-admobpro >ionic platform android >ionic build android
(where app_id , app_name id , name of facebook application)
you need exclude android-support-v4.jar got included wizcorp facebook plugin. trick simple need create build-extras.gradle
inside platforms/android , add following:
configurations { all*.exclude group: '', module: 'support-v4' }
and that's it, every plugin uses android support lib work fb plugin. put somewhere in default build.gradle couldn't figure out where, build-extras file auto included fine.
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