javascript - add array of polylines as distinct lines in googlemaps -
i'm working googlemaps api. i've looked answers q, found similar questions none seem work me.
i want add array of polylines googlemap distinct lines distinct colors, not 1 continuous line.
i'm pulling lat lng coordinates json file. array of polylines (themselves arrays of lat lng coords) variable in length.
i can't figure out how run polyline.setmap run again until there no more sets of polylines left in array.
here code in questions:
paths = []; allstrms = []; $.getjson("json/basin/"+file+"", function(json) { // iterate through each year array in json (i = 0; < json.year.length; i++) { //only grab data 2013 if(json.year[i]["@attributes"].id == '2013') { //iterate through latlng array in each storm object (p=0; p < json.year[i].storm.latlng.length; p++) { //get each pair of lat / lng coordinates latlng array var path = new google.maps.latlng(parsefloat(json.year[i].storm.latlng[p].latitude), parsefloat(json.year[i].storm.latlng[p].longitude)); //push paths array $.each(path, function(){ paths.push(path); }); } //push paths allstrms array allstrms.push(paths); for(p=0; p < json.year[i].storm.latlng.length; p++) { function addpolyline() { for(t=0;t<allstrms.length;t++) { polyline = new google.maps.polyline({ path: allstrms[t], geodesic: true, strokecolor: 'yellow', strokeopacity: 1, strokeweight: 2 }); } polyline.setmap(map); //end loop } //end loop - json.year[i].storm.latlng } //end if condition year 2013 } // end initial loop } addpolyline(); //end $.getjson });
how set run polyline stop, run again, stop, etc... until lines on map , distinct?
here code in action. page loads array of polylines jumble of lines on page load.
any appreciated!
push each lat/lng pair single polyline single array:
if (json.year[i]["@attributes"].id == '2013') { var path = []; //iterate through latlng array in each storm object (p = 0; p < json.year[i].storm.latlng.length; p++) { //get each pair of lat / lng coordinates latlng array var point = new google.maps.latlng( parsefloat(json.year[i].storm.latlng[p].latitude), parsefloat(json.year[i].storm.latlng[p].longitude) ); path.push(point); }
push path onto allstrm array (and create it's polyline):
//push paths allstrms array allstrms.push(path); var polyline = new google.maps.polyline({ path: path, geodesic: true, strokecolor: 'yellow', strokeopacity: 1, strokeweight: 2 }); polyline.setmap(map);
complete $getjson function:
$.getjson("", function(json) { var json = json.parse(jsonstr); // iterate through each year array in json (i = 0; < json.year.length; i++) { //only grab data 2013 if (json.year[i]["@attributes"].id == '2013') { var path = []; //iterate through latlng array in each storm object (p = 0; p < json.year[i].storm.latlng.length; p++) { //get each pair of lat / lng coordinates latlng array var point = new google.maps.latlng( parsefloat(json.year[i].storm.latlng[p].latitude), parsefloat(json.year[i].storm.latlng[p].longitude) ); path.push(point); } //push paths allstrms array allstrms.push(path); var polyline = new google.maps.polyline({ path: path, geodesic: true, strokecolor: 'yellow', strokeopacity: 1, strokeweight: 2 }); polyline.setmap(map); } } //end $.getjson });
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