Elasticsearch analyzer couldn't found Exception -

i created index settings of analyzer , shows analyzer settings when call index properties. when try use index analyzer throws exception named " analyzer couldn't found". here analyzer settings;

"settings":{     "index":{         "settings":{             "analysis":{                 "filter":{                     "turkce_lowercase":{                         "type":"lowercase",                         "language":"turkish"},                     "turkce_stop":{                         "type":"stop",                         "stopwords_path":"/home/power/documents/stop_words.txt"}                         },                 "analyzer":{                     "turkce":{                         "filter":["turkce_lowercase","turkce_stop"],                         "tokenizer":"standard_tokenizer"}                         },                 "tokenizer":{                     "standard_tokenizer":{                         "type":"standard",                         "max_token_length":"900"}                         }                         }                     }              }             } 

in custom analyzer, need add "type": "custom" denote analyzer custom analyzer , not standard one.

  "analyzer": {     "turkce": {       "type": "custom",            <----- add       "filter": [         "turkce_lowercase",         "turkce_stop"       ],       "tokenizer": "standard_tokenizer"     }   } 


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