php - How do I fix this error in Magento -

i have error in model/entity/attribute/abstract.php line 389 happens on product view page.

here's abstract.php line 389 has:

    public function getsource() {     if (empty($this->_source)) {         if (!$this->getsourcemodel()) {             $this->setsourcemodel($this->_getdefaultsourcemodel());         }         $source = mage::getmodel($this->getsourcemodel());         if (!$source) {             throw mage::exception('mage_eav',                 mage::helper('eav')->__('source model "%s" not found attribute "%s"',$this->getsourcemodel(), $this->getattributecode())             );         } // 389-->        $this->_source = $source->setattribute($this);     }     return $this->_source; } 

the error outputs this: fatal error: call undefined method mage_adminhtml_model_system_config_source_yesno::setattribute() in /home/angeecom/public_html/app/code/core/mage/eav/model/entity/attribute/abstract.php on line 389.

a while found piece of code use adding right above line in magento core file print out more error can't find it. anyway how go tracking thing down?


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