
Showing posts from August, 2013

angularjs - Are you able to upload a file -

this question has answer here: how upload file in angularjs e2e protractor testing 7 answers i have test upload pictures website uses defaulted os upload modal. after click upload cannot access upload screen. there way around it? saw online looked there had no idea how implement saying. element(by.xpath("//div[@id='ngdialog28']/div[2]/div/div[6]/div/span")).click() element(by.css("input[type=\"file\"]")).click(); element(by.css("input[type=\"file\"]")).clear(); element(by.css("input[type=\"file\"]")).sendkeys("c:\\programdata\\meetingmatrix international\\meetingmatrix 2010\\mmidemo\\setups\\test.mms"); the answer below came previous post had overlooked. here code: var path = require('path'); var filetoupload = 'put path here', absolutep

xml - Google hangout Application configuration giving error for Application URL -

i following instruction creating application getting-started( ) document while setting application url google hangout application configuration in google console, getting same error 'the user request invalid. please check url , try again.' i have tried google default xml( ) file url application url given in same document still not able save it's configuration url. i using correct xml file still facing application url issue? .. have idea saving google hangout application configuration in google api console i having same problem. don't know correct solution. filling 3 support url's dummy values. saved successfully.

singular gradient error with nls in r; how do I know if its the code or the data? -

i'm trying run non linear regression on data: flux<-c(192.09536, 199.47616, 137.63245, 133.60358, -89.28360, -23.17639, -27.14659, 107.25287, 52.72565, na, 167.43277, 113.59047) par<-c(4.166667e-01, 4.347826e-02, 4.583333e-01, 1.845833e+02, 1.122688e+03, 1.059048e+03, 6.384000e+02, 3.326087e+02, 7.094762e+02, 4.180000e+02, 3.953333e+02, 3.998636e+02) obs<-c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) curve1<-data.frame(flux, par, obs) curve1<"cbind", curve1) this first model tried, has worked on other similar datasets: model1 <- nls(flux~b*par/(c+par)-a, data = curve1, start=list(a=180, b=-200, c=800)) however data model1 gives: error in nls(flux ~ b * par/(c + par) - a, data = curve1, start = list(a = 180, : singular gradient i thought might because starting parameters wrong tried turn self starting model (i've tried lots of different starting parameters): model2<-with(curv

javascript - How to set dynamic form on popup -

i have dynamic form code following: <form accept-charset="utf-8" action="" class="infusion-form" method="post"> <input name="inf_form_xid" type="hidden" value="60dfa9fa31db677b87c9061c53d0925b" /> <input name="inf_form_name" type="hidden" value="sign newsletter" /> <input name="infusionsoft_version" type="hidden" value="" /> <div class="infusion-field"> <label for="inf_field_firstname">first name *</label> <input class="infusion-field-input-container" id="inf_field_firstname" name="inf_field_firstname" type="text" /> </div> <div class="infusion-field"> <label for="inf_field_email&qu

javascript - Receive data in the nodejs server sent by the ajax jquery in a client -

i using ajax jquery send image nodejs server. stuck @ receiving image in nodejs server client. client code: jquery.noconflict(); formdata = new formdata(); jquery("#afile").on("change", function() { var file = this.files[0]; if (formdata) { formdata.append("image", file); jquery.ajax({ url: "", type: "post", data: formdata, processdata: false, contenttype: false, success:function(){} }); } }); can me receive image in server. in advance. i think "this" should wraped "$()"... try it... jquery.noconflict(); formdata = new formdata(); jquery("#afile").on("change", function() { var file = $(this).files[0]; if (formdata) { formdata.append("image", file); jquery.ajax({

How to restore Android ListView position? -

i used code save list view position. how can restore it? view c = listview.getchildat(0); int scrolly = -c.gettop() + listview.getfirstvisibleposition() * c.getheight(); this looking: onresume(){ refresh_your_data(); if(listview.getadapter()==null) // create adapter } else { //create method in adapter refresh list of data refill_data(listdata); adapter.notifydatasetchanged(); } }

grails - Set select value in gsp -

controller: def abbrev = [:] abbrev.put(1,"i") abbrev.put(2,"ii") abbrev.put(3,"iii") abbrev.put(4,"iv") list<expando> abbreviations = abbrev.collect{ abbreviation -> expando.newinstance(key:abbreviation.key,value:abbreviation.value) } def row = [:] def programrows = [ ] somelist.each { item -> row = [key1:value1, key2,value2 ] programrows << row } [abbreviations:abbreviations, programrows:programrows ] i iterate through programrows map ( programrow ). map value1 equivalent key in abbreviations ( list of expandos ) want set select value based on this: commented option value can understand value want assign. view gsp: <g:each in="${programrows}" var="programrow"> <g:select name="abbrevs" from="${abbreviations}" optionvalue=&quo

g++ - What happens if you don't return a value in C++? -

yesterday, found myself writing code this: somestruct getsomestruct() { somestruct input; cin >> input.x; cin >> input.y; } of course forgetting return struct created. oddly enough, values in struct was returned function got initialized 0 (when compiled using g++ is). coincidence or did somestruct created , initialized somewhere implicitly? did somestruct created , initialized somewhere implicitly? think how struct returned. if both x , y 32 bits, big fit in register on 32-bit architecture, , same applies 64-bit values on 64-bit architecture (@denton gentry's answer mentions how simpler values returned), has allocated somewhere. wasteful use heap this, has allocated on stack. cannot on stack frame of getsomestruct function, since not valid anymore after function returns. the compiler instead has caller tells called function put result (which somewhere on stack of caller), passing called function hidden pointer space allocated

javascript - Is it correct, that i am able to change AngularJSs $scope variables through Google Chromes Developer Console? -

i have written small angularjs application. using variable: $scope.isadmin = boolean what colleague found out is, able open google chromes developer console , step js code through debugger @ code , example following on console: $scope.isadmin = true; after variable modified , whatever wanted in app. is general of angularjs? doing in real world apps prevent editing $scope variables? br yavuz you can hide things , make more difficult user access data user able access data if dedicated enough. key server-side validation on requests confirm user are. keep user doing fake admin privileges.

php - TwitterOAuth: Uncaught exception 'This feature is temporarily unavailable' -

i working on application in wordpress allows users login using twitter accounts, , redirects users form. on submitting form, tweet sent user's twitter handle. i'm using abraham's twitteroauth implement twitter oauth. the source code of redirected template after successful twitter login: <pre> <?php /* *template name: callback */ ?> <?php session_start(); require "twitteroauth/autoload.php"; use abraham\twitteroauth\twitteroauth; define('consumer_key', "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); define('consumer_secret', "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); define('oauth_callback', " http://localhost/wordpress/index.php/callback/"); $request_token = []; $request_token['oauth_token'] = $_session['oauth_token']; $request_token['oauth_token_secret'] = $_session['oauth_token_secret']; if (isset($_request['oauth_token']) && $request_token[

When does open timeout starts ticking on the WCF service? -

i have set open timeout property value service. want know when time starts ticking. when operation called , processing , during idle time after operation returned client. starts ticking after channel or proxy opened using following code - client side - proxyclient client = new proxyclient(); var emp = client.getemployee(1); client.close(); at proxy side code - class proxyclient : clientbase<{interface}>, {interface} { protected override iemployee createchannel() { thread.sleep(15000); return base.createchannel(); } public employee getemployee(int id) { var employee = channel.getemployee(id); return employee; } } looking @ code above, open timeout tick starts. similar question answered closetimeout also.

mysql - SQL query filter, count if -

i have table this user | app name1 app1 name1 not app name1 app1 name1 app2 name2 not app name3 app1 name3 app3 name4 app1 name4 not app2 name5 app1 name5 not app name5 not app2 i need cases user has app1 , @ least 1 type of app "not app", im going call in example not app , not app2. i need this: user name1 name4 name5 im trying filter , not like(s) order think next step having count distinct app = app1 > 2 lost here have start counting if there app1... ideally id want know user name: list of apps user name1: not app, ... user name4: not app2, ... user name5: not app1, not app2, ... i not sure real goal, because if need to cases user has app1 , @ least 1 "not app" your expected result user name1 name4 name5 is wrong. check fiddle:!9/cbb566/7 select `user` table1 t1 group `user` having sum(if(`app`='app1',1,0))>0 , sum(if(`app`='not app',1,0))>0 up

pipe - Python pipeline using GNU Parallel -

i'm trying write wrapper around gnu parallel in python run command in parallel, seem misunderstanding either how gnu parallel works, system pipes and/or python subprocess pipes. essentially looking use gnu parallel handle splitting input file , running command in parallel on multiple hosts. i can investigate pure python way in future, seems should implemented using gnu parallel. #!/usr/bin/env python import sys print print print from subprocess import * import os os.path import * args = ['--block', '10', '--recstart', '">"', '--sshlogin', '3/:', '--pipe', './'] infile = 'test.fa' fh = open('test.fa','w') fh.write('''>m02261:11:000000000-adwj7:1:1101:16207:1115 1:n:0:1 cagctactcggggaatccttgttgctgagctcttcccttttcgctcgcagctactcggggaatccttgttgctgagctcttcccttttcgctcgcagctactcggggaatccttgttgctgagctcttcccttttcgctcgcagctactcg

html - Pushing divs to a new line on mobile view -

so have simple image-thumbnails landing page like: <div style="display: inline-block;"><img style="margin: 3px 3px;" src="..." alt="" width="200" height="200" /></div> <div style="display: inline-block;"><img style="margin: 3px 3px;" src="..." alt="" width="200" height="200" /></div> <div style="display: inline-block;"><img style="margin: 3px 3px;" src="..." alt="" width="200" height="200" /></div> <div style="display: inline-block;"><img style="margin: 3px 3px;" src="..." alt="" width="200" height="200" /></div> on site 4 shown side side on desktop. how force them appear in twos in 1 line on mobile view? so: desktop: # # # # mobile: # # # # if ok clear

Amazon S3: Accessing files after setting bucket restrictions -

i've set bucket policy on amazon s3 bucket files can requested domain website hosted. (denying access if url not match of domain). however, can't access own files within file explorer in aws console, impractical. is there rule can add make files accessible aws console without having temporarily remove bucket policy every time want view/download of files?

c - How to dynamically calculate the size of a dynamically allocated memory -

considering code follows: int i, a_size, s_size, n; char **a; a_size = 100; // examples s_size = 10; = malloc(a_size * sizeof(char*)); (int = 0; < a_size; i++) a[i] = malloc((s_size) * sizeof(char)); now, calculate how many elements there inside array dynamically (thus, ignoring a_size ). proper way that? in general can't, , should take care of kind of book-keeping yourself, 1 possibility store additional row pointer set null (aka sentinel ): a = malloc((a_size + 1) * sizeof(char*)); // allocate additional row pointer (int = 0; < a_size; i++) // allocate rows a[i] = malloc(s_size); a[a_size] = null; // set sentinel row null then can determine size iterating through row pointers until find null row. note quite inefficient if often, or if number of rows large.

wordpress - different excerpt in php -

hi how excerpt code using php ? it's wordpress content . there not way in wordpress from <div class='first'>first</div> <div class='second'>second</div> <div class='first'>first</div> <div class='second'>second</div> <div class='first'>first</div> <div class='second'>second</div> . . . to <div class='first'>first</div> <div class='second'>second</div> you can try using preg_replace_callback : //if html retrieved in variable $html, $html = "<div class='first'>first</div> <div class='second'>second</div> <div class='first'>first</div> <div class='second'>second</div> <div class='first'>first</div> <div class='second'>second</div>"; $validate = array('first'=&

java - Is ecwid-mailchimp library thread safe? -

i integrating spring based web application mailchimp using library the comment in sample code shown on it's wiki home page says: // reuse same mailchimpclient object whenever possible as per advice, i'm using mailchimpclient object instance variable in class annotated @service, however, causing exceptions in server log make me think class may not thread-safe. can confirm? exception stack trace java.lang.illegalstateexception: invalid use of basicclientconnmanager: connection still allocated. make sure release connection before allocating one. @ org.apache.http.impl.conn.basicclientconnectionmanager.getconnection( ~[httpclient-4.2.3.jar:4.2.3] @ org.apache.http.impl.conn.basicclientconnectionmanager$1.getconnection( ~[httpclient-4.2.3.jar:4.2.3] @ org.apache.http.impl.client.defaultrequestdirector.execute( ~[httpclient-4.2.3.jar:4.2.3] @ org.apache.http.i

How to create lxc containers in ubuntu 14.04 using Ansible module? -

i trying create lxc container using lxc_container module provided ansible. can tell me exact playbook task create lxc container ? based on response in comments above , duplicate question. it appear issue caused not having module lxc-python2 installed. i'm assuming there's other errors overlooking in posts , debugging efforts. steps apply follows: sudo apt-get install python-pip pip install lxc-python2 read error output carefully.

gradle - Why does it give me a "Failed to resolve" error in Android Studio? -

i trying learn android , tried make example tutorial. have include 2 libraries in build.gradle, when sync project gradle files gives me error: "failed resolve". here dependecies part build.gradle: dependencies { compile filetree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']) compile '' compile '' compile 'com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.1.1' } is there somethig wrong versions of libraries or else? in build.gradle have add: repositories { jcenter() } gradle has know download aar files. pay attention example. using picasso:2.1.1. old version. here can find releases of library.

mysql - Unable to create foreign key reference with different column lables -

while creating schema "cannot add foreign key constraint" error getting. query : create database sample; use sample; create table sys_admin_user_t ( sys_admin_id mediumint not null, admin_name varchar(255) not null, admin_password varchar(255) not null, primary key (sys_admin_id) ); create table sys_user_roles_t ( role_id mediumint not null, privilege_id mediumint not null, role_name varchar(255) not null, role_description varchar(255) not null, created_by mediumint not null, created_date date not null, modified_by mediumint not null, foreign key (privilege_id) references privileges_t (privilege_id), foreign key (created_by) references sys_admin_user_t(sys_admin_id), foreign key (modified_by) references sys_admin_user_t(sys_admin_id), primary key (role_id) ); kindly 1 me resolve this. this can occur in following cases: you not create table privileges_t in table privileges_t not exists primary key field privilege_id the f

javascript - Ionic authentication for login with angularjs -

as ionic uses angularjs, login system there isn't browser save cookie or session in order authenticate each part of application. 1 way protecting using in app.js : $urlrouterprovider.otherwise('/login'); because 1 doesn't access other links application. when returned answer server (mysql database) true , can use this: $state.go('app.main'); is idea? or other ways? since ionic calls end api, can implement standard api authentication mechanism. the common have toke based authentication, high level workflow can follows 1 - ionic app calls backend server end point , token (by passing kind of encrypted key) 2 - end server generates token (ideal given time period) , sends ionic app. 3 - there after, in every request ionic sends token. (ideally in request header) to save token temporary , can use simple storage solutions ng-storage or sqlite have read here

C# Combining the values of a single dictionary into a single expanded list -

here's scenario: have dictionary of words / suggested terms. trying create list of new values combining suggested terms each word. number of keys can variable (usually 1-3 words): var suggestions = new dictionary<string, list<suggestitem>>(); where suggestitem contains property of public string term {get;set;} the way algorithm works given sentance, words split apart, each word check , expanded if abbreviation, , passed through spell checker, returns list of suggestions. these results stored in dictionary original word key. part works fine. needing turning dictionary list of suggestions every possible combination of suggested terms. example: given sentence: "e cleve" generates dictionary: keys: values: east east eastlake cleve cleves college cleveland coolville cloverdale

vhdl - Is there a way to show variables in ISim? -

i'm trying moniter state of variable: shared variable div16 : integer := 0; but recieving error in isim: isim not yet support tracing of vhdl variables. can convert variable signal within testbench file? or there other way show value changing waveform? complete code: entity main_uart generic ( divisor: natural := 120 -- divisor = 50,000,000 / (16 x baud_rate) -- 9600 -> 120 -- 19200 -> 60 ); port ( clk: in std_logic; -- clock rst: in std_logic -- reset ); end main_uart; architecture behavioral of main_uart signal top16: std_logic; -- 1 clk spike @ 16x baud rate shared variable div16 : integer := 0; -- constant counter_bits : natural := integer(ceil(log2(real(divisor)))); begin -- -------------------------- -- clk16 clock generation -- -------------------------- process (rst, clk) begin if rst='1' top16 <= '0'; --good div16 := 0;

java - Calling MainActivity method from other classes (which extend broadcast receiver) -

i'm trying call method display_notification of mainactivity other class (phonestatereceiver). but got error: java.lang.runtimeexception: unable start receiver com.weekendproject.roshu.spamblocker.phonestatereceiver: java.lang.nullpointerexception: attempt invoke virtual method 'java.lang.string android.content.context.getpackagename()' on null object reference error specially pointed line in mainactivity intent resultintent = new intent(getapplicationcontext(), mainactivity.class); however tried change getapplicationcontext() "this" , "getactivity()" , not working here complete code public class mainactivity extends actionbaractivity { public void display_notification(string incoming_number) { notificationcompat.builder mbuilder = new notificationcompat.builder(getapplicationcontext()) .setsmallicon(r.drawable.ic_action) .setcontenttitle("spam

make new python lists with indexes from items in a single list -

i want take list, e.g. [0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3] , , make list of lists of (index + 1) each of unique elements. above, example, [[1, 3], [2, 4], [5, 6], [7]] . right solution ultimate in clunkiness: list_1 = [0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3] maximum = max(list_1) master = [] in range(maximum + 1): temp_list = [] j,k in enumerate(list_1): if k == i: temp_list.append(j + 1) master.append(temp_list) print master any thoughts on more pythonic way appreciated! i in 2 steps: build map {value: [list, of, indices], ...} : index_map = {} index, value in enumerate(list_1): index_map.setdefault(value, []).append(index+1) extract value lists dictionary master list: master = [index_map.get(index, []) index in range(max(index_map)+1)] for example, give: >>> index_map {0: [1, 3], 1: [2, 4], 2: [5, 6], 3: [7]} >>> master [[1, 3], [2, 4], [5, 6], [7]] this implementation iterates on whole list once ( o(n) , n len(list_1) ) where

node.js - Node JS on AWS instance - is there a network limit? -

so have instance (m4.large, if matters) on aws, , node js script crawling through 10k sites on web (specific ones). on simple macbook pro, takes ~3 minutes. however, on aws it's slower , of requests gets lost (timeout), after running on few hundreds (i guess it's bug node?). anyway, there network limitation on aws? can't more 14 concurrent connections. here's how send requests: var request = http.request({ method: 'get', host: websitedomain, port: 80, agent: agent, path: '/' }, function(response){ // code... });

embedded - Reset a MicroSd card whilst in Spi mode without a power cycle -

i have existing embedded system existing developed c code. microsd card can lock down giving responses outside of scope of existing system. i'm unsure why suspect handler in existing system allows subsequent calls made quickly. the card being used in spi mode have direct i/o. the circuit diagram not show control on power , card cannot reset , re-connect fresh spi. my option seems finding way reset through spi call, or @ creating function recover sd its' expected state whatever lock in. with in mind, is there command or set of commands can use cause equivalent of reset, or cancel whatever microsd controller expecting ? looking @ sd associations' specs, reset reference cmd0 , isn't applicable once spi mode. any thoughts welcome, , thank in advance. -chris

mysql - PHP checkbox updates database but drop drop menu doesn't -

i have following script on checkboxes works , updates database accordingly. while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $host = $row['host']; $environment = $row['environment']; echo "<tr><td>" . $host . "</td><td>" . $environment . "</td><td><input type='checkbox' name='id[]' value='" . $host . "'/></td></tr>"; } echo "</tbody></table><input type='submit' value='submit'></form>"; if(gettype($_post['id'])=="array"){ foreach($_post['id'] $val){ $id_c = $val; $query1 = "update hosts set reboot = 'yes' host='".$id_c."'"; $result= mysql_query($query1); if($result === false) { die(mysql_error()); } echo "reboot updated host " .$id_c. " updated. <br> but when replace checkboxes doesn't work. checkbox scr

cocoapods - Unknown pod name -

in appcode, via cocoapods, trying install pod quickdialog in podfile, have: pod "quickdialog" when go install, error saying unknown pod name message window shows: /usr/bin/ruby /applications/ install --no-ansi updating local specs repositories failed exit code: -1 what need do? edit: tried suggestion i'l'i: pod 'quickdialog', '~1.0' try on new project: xcode > new > project > single view app > obj-c > so-32098667 > next > create terminal > cd ../so-32098667/ pod init use podfile below pod install podfile platform :ios, '8.0' target 'so-32098667' pod 'quickdialog' end pod install downloading dependencies installing quickdialog (1.0) generating pods project integrating client project tested minutes ago pod version 0.37.1 xcode version 6.4.

javascript - UMD With Ember-CLI -

i trying load gridstack in ember application via ember-cli. installed application via bower , imported in ember-cli-build.js file. includes _ library via: if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['jquery', 'lodash'], factory); } define.amd evaulates false i looked why case , , found ember-cli's loader doesn't support umd . on open cli issue , stefan penner, 1 of main cli developers, suggested: this design. library requires pre build step de-anonymize modules. step can appropriate munging work correctly i have no clue means. got around issue manually importing dependencies of library in own ember-cli-build before library that's defeating purpose of dependency management. how can make library resolve own modules?

angularjs - NG-Show based upon refering URL -

can use ng-show display button based upon internal page user came from. for example: have 3 pages: home, about, middle man. two buttons: home, about. on middle man page want 1 button display based upon page user on prior. <button ng-show="?">back home</button> <button ng-show="?">back about</button> yes can. can store last visited page using factory example , display correct buttons based on value. factory should this: myapp.factory('historyfactory', function() { var _lastvisitedpage; return { setlastvisitedpage: function(page) { _lastvisitedpage = page; }, getlastvisitedpage: function() { return _lastvisitedpage; } } });

javascript - jQuery UI AutoComplete Combobox Options require double click on iPhone -

i have created app cordova contains jquery custom autocomplete comboboxes. works on browser on physical android device. put app on iphone encounter small bug annoying end users. the bug: once options displayed combobox user, must click once, hi-lights choice, , second click make selection. intended use on android devices click once on option make selection. before clicks first click the first click should making selection instead hi-lights option , waits user click on highlighted option once again. same issue happens on iphone simulator on physical device, don't believe device specific. here html <div class="ui-widget"><select id="testcombo"></select></div> js turn combobox $("#testcombo").combobox() and here custom widget being used combo box (function( $ ) { $.widget( "custom.combobox", { options: { 'u

excel - Store range of color values as array in VBA -

i want color values table in excel, store them array while reorganize table, , put color values table. following code works values , number formats not color values. appreciated. sub colors() dim carray variant set rng = range("a1: t300") redim carray(1 rng.rows.count, 1 rng.columns.count) = 1 rng.rows.count j = 1 rng.columns.count carray(i, j) = rng(i, j).colorvalue next j next call sorttable rng.colorvalue = carray end sub i'm not sure .colorvalue recognized vba. instead, use carray(i,j) = rng(i,j).interior.colorindex . then, when want set cell's color, cells(1,1).interior.colorindex = [whatever] . here's a pretty detailed page discussing colorindex , html/hex/rgb equivalents/related things. edit: assumed wanted background color. if instead want font color, it'd carray(i,j) = rng(i,j).font.color .

c++ - Virtual Key combination -

this question has answer here: using getkeystate() 3 answers i'm looking c++ virtual key combination, i'm looking simple key combination action. i'm trying shift+g work. i've tried know , it's given me different results nothing i'm trying do. if (vk_shift & 0x47) // shift+g test { if(::getkeystate(0x47)<0); { cbaseitem* piteminfo = g_pitemtablehash->getdata( g_pmainplayer->m_pinv_guardian[0].getid()); if (guardian_item_type_adult == piteminfo->baseitem_guardian.btype) { if(cuserinterface::getinstance()->m_bguardian==false) { // on // ctds_dungeon_callgardian callguardinan; callguardinan.bzipcode = 0; g_pnet->sendmsg( (char*)&callguardinan, callguardinan.getpacketsi

Committing changes to branch I got by downloading zip from GitHub -

i'm working on repository has 2 branches : master , , release1 . the branch need release1 . went site , tried clone it, no matter did got master branch cloned. so gave , downloaded branche's zip file system. added eclipse , worked on it. now need commit changes. neither branch nor repository show in visual tool. when try add local repository visual tool tells me folder not repository. is there solution? have quite few changes on local project , have commit them. the zip download not git repository, it's collection of files @ moment in time. here's way might able changes repository: clone repository properly copy current files cloned directory git status , git diff check changes expect git commit when cloned repository first time, were getting both branches - git clone copy of everything: every branch, history, etc. default branch typically master . after clone, if want switch other branch, use git checkout release1 .

ibm was - Error when running Arquillian with was embedded -

i trying reproduce test described in arquillian guide [1]. able build arquillian-was-embedded-8 source code indicated here [2], when running test project using "mvn test" following exception: enterprise javabeans (ejb) module not have enterprise beans configured. include full trace below. anyone able shed light here? [1] [2] running org.arquillian.example.greetertest 3e7ee07e-9d99-45a7-a2f9-5d8c934f7c49.jar: /org/ /org/arquillian/ /org/arquillian/example/ /org/arquillian/example/greeter.class /meta-inf/ /meta-inf/beans.xml cntr9269w: 3e7ee07e-9d99-45a7-a2f9-5d8c934f7c49.jar enterprise javabeans (ejb) module not have enterprise beans configured. wsvr0040e: addejbmodule failed 3e7ee07e-9d99-45a7-a2f9-5d8c934f7c49.jar 3e7ee07e-9d99-45a7- a2f9-5d8c934f7c49.jar enterprise javabeans (ejb) module not have enterprise be