Rails 4 Update Active Record with JSON data from AJAX -

i've spent time looking around there not seem answer question. appreciated.

i'm sending json data ajax call rails app (no cors).


$.ajax({         type: "post",         url: "/tasks/",         data: json.stringify(res),         datatype: "json",         async: true        });    

the json data (res) copied browser console:


so far good.

this gets sent via route:

resources :tasks,               only: [:index, :update, :create, :destroy] 

to tasks controller, trying reach update action:

def update     @task = task.find(params[:id])     respond_to :html, :json     if @task.update_attributes(task_params)        flash[:success] = "task updated"         redirect_to @user     else     flash[:error] = "task not saved! please see guidance form labels"         redirect_to user_url(current_user)     end end 

i cannot access update action in tasks controller. have tried changing url, changing post put, , i'm stumped.

the server error message:

started post "/tasks" @ 2015-08-19 15:25:25 +0000 processing taskscontroller#create */*   parameters: {"{\"task_id\":\"9\",\"grid_position\":"=>{"0,2,2,2,false"=>{"},{\"task_id\":\"8\",\"grid_position\":"=>{"0,0,2,2,false"=>{"}"=>nil}}}}}   user load (0.1ms)  select  "users".* "users" "users"."id" = ? limit 1  [["id", 1]] completed 400 bad request in 4ms (activerecord: 0.1ms) 

i can understand it's looking users trying create new task, must have user id. however, wanting update existing task.

$.ajax({ type: "post" 

triggers create action.

if want update task, use

type: "patch" 


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