excel - How to open up each CSV file in current directory and add column of data based on CSV file name with an automated script -

i have group of csv files specific name includes date (e.g., reserve013112-sheet1.csv, reserve013112-sheet2.csv).

all of files have date in file name following "reserve" word. want extract date (in date format) , add column existing csv (potentially insert first column in .csv file) follows:

old file:

number,status,reserve,open,code 110035,open,250000,yes,no,12 110056,auto,30000,no,yes,0 ... 

new file:

date,number,status,reserve,open,code 01-31-2012,110035,open,250000,yes,no,12 01-31-2012,110056,auto,30000,no,yes,0 ... 

i want automatically (potentially batch file).

i have script converts existing excel files csv files, want run in batch file right before script adds date each of files.

as many text processing tasks, job can made simple , efficient regular expression utility. excellent option jrepl.bat, pure script (hybrid jscript/batch) utility runs natively on windows machine xp onward.

the solution below first uses list *reserve*.csv files.

next uses /f coupled jrepl.bat parse out month, day, , year file name. if values not found, file skipped.

finally uses jrepl.bat call insert either "date," @ beginning of first line, or "mm-dd-20yy," @ beginning of other lines. last command uses output /o - option overwrite original file result.

@echo off /f "eol=: delims=" %%f in (   'findstr /vin "^date," *reserve*.csv' ) /f "tokens=1-3" %%a in (   'echo %%f^|jrepl "^.*reserve(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d).*" "$1 $2 $3"' ) call jrepl "^" "(ln==1)?'date,':'%%a-%%b-20%%c,'" /j /f "%%f" /o - 

there 1 potential problem above - modify file, if has date @ beginning of each line. bit more user supplied jscript can used prevent modification of files have date first column.

@echo off /f "eol=: delims=" %%f in (   'findstr /vin "^date," *reserve*.csv' ) /f "tokens=1-3" %%a in (   'echo %%f^|jrepl "^.*reserve(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d).*" "$1 $2 $3"' ) call jrepl "^" "(ln==1)?'date,':'%%a-%%b-20%%c,'" /j /f "%%f" /o - ^                 /jbegln "if (ln==1 && $txt.search(/^date,/i)>=0) skip=true" 


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