vb.net - Inno Setup - Checking if MS Access x64 Engine installed -

i have setup script doesn't seem work way intended. want make installer extract , install office x64 engine if not installed. read through documentation , other questions might me out still no luck. here code in .iss script file:

[files] source: ".\kit3\*"; destdir: "{app}"; flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs; check: accessenginenotinstalled  [run] filename: "{app}\{#accessengine}"; parameters: "/passive"; check: accessenginenotinstalled 

and here function wrote check if installed:

function accessenginenotinstalled: boolean; begin   result := not regkeyexists(hkey_local_machine, 'software\microsoft\office\14.0'); end; 

let me know if have questions. thank you.

i added under [setup] line architecturesinstallin64bitmode=x64 , worked!


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