hadoop - Nested json to Hive table -

my json file looks like:

{values:[{"utagid":"system_chiller1","tagname":"p1","tagvalue":"10","tagtime":"2015-07-23t14:29:30.731z","tagquality":"128"}' ...........}]}; 

i wrote json schema as:

create table t1(values array<<struct<utagid:string, tagname:string, tagvalue:string, tagtime:string, tagquality:string>>)  row format serde "org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.serde2.jsonserde"  stored textfile;  load data local inpath"/tmp/jsonstreaming.json"into table t1; 

but i'm still getting error parseexception missing < near struct keyword. reason?

i think have < try

create table t1(values array<struct<utagid:string, tagname:string, tagvalue:string, tagtime:string, tagquality:string>>) 


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