javascript - How to not call the directive everytime i reload a page -

i have problem directive,help me solve this. directive changes css style, everytime when go page of these reloads, , not want this.

directive('layoutsettings', function ($http) {         return {             restrict: 'a',             link: function (scope, element, $rootscope) {                     $rootscope.selectedlayout = {};                     $http.get('http://localhost/obp_shop/api/layoutsettings/getvalue').success(function(data) {                         $rootscope.selectedlayout = data;                         console.log($rootscope.selectedlayout);                         $(element).css({ 'background-color': $rootscope.selectedlayout[0].value });                         $(element).css({ 'background-image': 'url(data:image/jpeg;base64,' + $rootscope.selectedlayout[1].value + ')' });                         $('.btn-primary').css({ 'background-color': $rootscope.selectedlayout[2].value });                         $('.btn-default').css({ 'background-color': $rootscope.selectedlayout[2].value });                         $('btn-primary').css({ 'color': $rootscope.selectedlayout[3].value });                         $('.btn').css({ 'font-size': $rootscope.selectedlayout[4].value });                         $('h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6').css({ 'color': $rootscope.selectedlayout[5].value });                         $('h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6').css({ 'font-size': $rootscope.selectedlayout[6].value });                         $(element).css({ 'color': $rootscope.selectedlayout[7].value });                         $(element).css({ 'font-size': $rootscope.selectedlayout[8].value });                     });                 }         };     }); 

and directive on body of index page, other pages, because i'm using ui router.

<body class="container" ng-app="routerapp" style="padding-top: 50px;" layout-settings> <div ui-view cg-busy="{promise:promise}"></div> </body> 

how can use directive once? thanks.

my issue fixed putting directive in div ui-view.


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