c# - How to send and receive push notifications for Windows Phone 8.1 -

i followed microsofts article sending , receiving push notifications on windows phone 8.0:


it works fine, creating new windows phone 8.1 app , try rewrite same 8.0 code, classes not available in wp 8.1.

please me how can implement these windows phone 8.1.

here class use receiving push notifications , handling channeluri. call updatechanneluri method. channeluri updated if need , channeluriupdated event fired , same saved application data settings.

if app running , receive notification, 1 of 4 methods notification content executed, determined notification type.

public sealed class pushservice {     private const string channelurikey = "channeluri";     private const string channeluridefault = null;      private pushnotificationchannel _channel;      private string _channeluri;      /// <summary>     /// initializes new instance of <see cref="services.pushservice"/> class.     /// </summary>     public pushservice()     {         this._channeluri = localsettingsload(applicationdata.current.localsettings, channelurikey, channeluridefault);     }      /// <summary>     /// gets push notification channel uri. if no channel uri yet created     /// value <c>null</c>.     /// </summary>     public string channeluri     {         { return _channeluri; }         private set         {             if (_channeluri != value)             {                 this._channeluri = value;                 localsettingsstore(applicationdata.current.localsettings, channelurikey, value);             }         }     }      /// <summary>     /// requests new push channel uri.     /// </summary>     public async task<string> updatechanneluri()     {         var retries = 3;         var difference = 10; // in seconds          var currentretry = 0;                  {             try             {                 _channel = await pushnotificationchannelmanager.createpushnotificationchannelforapplicationasync();                 _channel.pushnotificationreceived += onpushnotificationreceived;                 if (!_channel.uri.equals(channeluri))                 {                     channeluri = _channel.uri;                     // todo send channel uri server server                     this.raisechanneluriupdated();                     return _channel.uri;                 }             }             catch             {                 // not create channel             }              await task.delay(timespan.fromseconds(difference));          } while (currentretry++ < retries);          return null;     }      private void onpushnotificationreceived(pushnotificationchannel sender, pushnotificationreceivedeventargs args)     {         switch (args.notificationtype)         {             case pushnotificationtype.badge:                 this.onbadgenotificationreceived(args.badgenotification.content.getxml());                 break;              case pushnotificationtype.tile:                 this.ontilenotificationreceived(args.tilenotification.content.getxml());                 break;              case pushnotificationtype.toast:                 this.ontoastnotificationreceived(args.toastnotification.content.getxml());                 break;              case pushnotificationtype.raw:                 this.onrawnotificationreceived(args.rawnotification.content);                 break;         }          args.cancel = true;     }      private void onbadgenotificationreceived(string notificationcontent)     {         // code when badge notification received when app running     }      private void ontilenotificationreceived(string notificationcontent)     {         // code when tile notification received when app running     }      private void ontoastnotificationreceived(string notificationcontent)     {         // code when toast notification received when app running          // show toast notification programatically          var xmldocument = new xmldocument();         xmldocument.loadxml(notificationcontent);         var toastnotification = new toastnotification(xmldocument);          //toastnotification.suppresspopup = true;         toastnotificationmanager.createtoastnotifier().show(toastnotification);     }      private void onrawnotificationreceived(string notificationcontent)     {         // code when raw notification received when app running     }      public event eventhandler<eventargs> channeluriupdated;     private void raisechanneluriupdated()     {         if (channeluriupdated != null)         {             channeluriupdated(this, new eventargs());         }     }      public static t localsettingsload<t>(applicationdatacontainer settings, string key, t defaultvalue)     {         t value;          if (settings.values.containskey(key))         {             value = (t)settings.values[key];         }         else         {             // otherwise use default value.             value = defaultvalue;         }          return value;     }      public static bool localsettingsstore(applicationdatacontainer settings, string key, object value)     {         bool valuechanged = false;          if (settings.values.containskey(key))         {             // if key exists             if (settings.values[key] != value)             {                 // if value has changed, store new value                 settings.values[key] = value;                 valuechanged = true;             }         }         else         {             // otherwise create key             settings.values.add(key, value);             valuechanged = true;         }          return valuechanged;     } } 


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