plsql - PL/SQL garbage value cleaning -

a table contains millions of records in there 12 critical columns contain garbage values. not records in these 12 columns garbage. there records fine while others garbage.

so want write pl/sql script clean these garbage values without using update statement 12 times. have code written doesn't seem work cause. suggestions modify code or change code entirely welcome. suppose dynamic sql used here don't have knowledge of ever , i'm short on time.

set serveroutput on declare count_total number := 0;           number :=0; ch          varchar2(10); ch2         varchar2(10);  cursor cursor_sim_b  select a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, -- identify trim(translate(a1,'0123456789',' ')) a_1,             -- garbage values trim(translate(a2,'0123456789',' ')) a_2, trim(translate(a3,'0123456789',' ')) a_3, trim(translate(a4,'0123456789',' ')) a_4, trim(translate(a5,'0123456789',' ')) a_5, trim(translate(a6,'0123456789',' ')) a_6, trim(translate(b1,'0123456789',' ')) b_1, trim(translate(b2,'0123456789',' ')) b_2, trim(translate(b3,'0123456789',' ')) b_3, trim(translate(b4,'0123456789',' ')) b_4, trim(translate(b5,'0123456789',' ')) b_5, trim(translate(b6,'0123456789',' ')) b_6  temp_clean;  sim_b_rec cursor_sim_b%rowtype;  begin dbms_output.put_line('outside cursor ');  sim_b_rec in cursor_sim_b loop dbms_output.put_line('outside  loop ');  in 1..6 loop ch := 'a_' ||i; dbms_output.put_line('inside loop '||ch);   if not null   -- error in passing 'ch' cursor                          -- error says 'ch' not declared begin  execute immediate 'update temp_clean set = null';  exception      when  others      rollback; end;  dbms_output.put_line('a'||i||'<' || || '>'); end if;  ch2 := 'b_' ||i; if sim_b_rec.ch2 not null begin execute immediate 'update temp_clean set sim_b_rec.ch2 = null';  exception      when  others      rollback; end;  dbms_output.put_line('b'||i||'<'|| sim_b_rec.ch2 || '>'); end if;  end loop; end loop;    commit; end; /  

this not answer. perhaps question op.

i guess way of finding garbage not work. translating every value null. assuming garbage contains non-numeric.

see below:

select translate('567','0123456789',null), length(translate('567','0123456789',null) )  dual;  -- output: null null  select translate('abc56','0123456789',null) , length(translate('abc56','0123456789',null) ) dual;  -- output: null null  select translate('%&12ab','0123456789',null), length(translate('%&12ab','0123456789',null) )  dual;    -- output: null null 

just make sure translated null have added length check.

provide sample valid values , garbage values further


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