actionscript 3 - AS3 gotoAndStop not working -

i'm having problem app. i've 3 frame in timeline, in 2nd frame i've mc own class: @ end of animation of mc call function main class. the code of mc class this

public function frame134() {         stop();          var vmaintimeline: maintimeline = new maintimeline();         vmaintimeline.gotoframe3();     } 

the function in main class this

public function gotoframe3() {         trace("gotoframe3");         this.gotoandstop(3);         trace("done");     } 

the output in console gotoframe3 , done gotoandstop(3); doesn't work. suggestion or help? in advance

rather creating instance of maintimeline need reference using parent property or referring stage directly. replace frame134() method below code.

public function frame134() {             var stageref = this.parent;             stageref.gotoandstop(3);         } 

or with

public function frame134() {             stage.gotoandstop(3)         } 

hope work you.


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